imagej / ImageJ

Public domain software for processing and analyzing scientific images
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Toggle overlay option #184

Closed sjcross closed 1 year ago

sjcross commented 1 year ago

Added a menu item (Image > Overlay > Toggle Overlay), which toggles between showing and hiding overlays on the active image. I've set this to keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Q as that didn't appear to be bound to anything else.

ctrueden commented 1 year ago

@rasband What do you think? To me this addition seems simple and useful. Or is there already a way to do this?

rasband commented 1 year ago

The ImageJ 1.54f31 daily build adds an Image>Overlay>Toggle Overlay command. It doesn't have a keyboard shortcut (cmd-q is a shortcut for Quit on Macs) but you can repeat it by typing 'r' (Process>Filter>Repeat Command) or you can create the equivalent of a "Toggle Overlay" button in the Plugins>Utilities>Commands window. The commit is at