imagej / imagej-mesh

Data structures and I/O for meshes
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Add support for expressing Mesh as RealMask #21

Open ctrueden opened 5 years ago

ctrueden commented 5 years ago

The imglib2-roi library has a RealMask API for working with ROIs.

If we have a Mesh that is closed and convex, we can express this as a 3D RealMask by triangulating the convex hull and then testing points for inclusion by walking the triangles.

ctrueden commented 5 years ago

Here is a proof-of-concept implementation that uses VisAD. You can add the org.scijava:visad:2.0.0-scijava-1 artifact to your Maven dependencies.


import java.util.function.BiConsumer;

import net.imagej.Dataset;
import net.imagej.ImageJ;
import net.imagej.mesh.Mesh;
import net.imagej.mesh.Vertex;
import net.imglib2.Localizable;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccessible;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval;
import net.imglib2.RealLocalizable;
import net.imglib2.RealPoint;
import net.imglib2.RealRandomAccessible;
import net.imglib2.position.FunctionRandomAccessible;
import net.imglib2.roi.Masks;
import net.imglib2.roi.RealMask;
import net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType;
import net.imglib2.type.logic.BoolType;
import net.imglib2.view.Views;

import visad.Irregular3DSet;
import visad.RealTupleType;
import visad.RealType;
import visad.VisADException;

public class MeshToRealMask {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable {
        ImageJ ij = new ImageJ();

        // Generate a silly binary image.
        BiConsumer<Localizable, BitType> function = (l, t) -> {
            long x = l.getLongPosition(0);
            long y = l.getLongPosition(1);
            long z = l.getLongPosition(2);
                x + y > 50 && x + y < 80 ||
                x + z > 70 && x + z < 110
        FunctionRandomAccessible<BitType> fra = //
            new FunctionRandomAccessible<>(3, function, () -> new BitType());
        long[] min = {0, 0, 0};
        long[] max = {256, 256, 64};
        RandomAccessibleInterval<BitType> image = Views.interval(fra, min, max);
        Dataset dataset = ij.dataset().create(image);
        System.out.println("Dataset created: " + dataset);

        // Compute mesh.
        Mesh mesh = ij.op().geom().marchingCubes(image);
        System.out.println("Mesh computed");

        // Compute convex hull.
        Mesh hull = (Mesh) ij.op().geom().convexHull(mesh).get(0);
        System.out.println("Hull computed");

        // Compute Delaunay triangulation.
        long vertexCount = hull.vertices().size();
        if (vertexCount > Integer.MAX_VALUE) throw new RuntimeException("Hull too large");
        float[][] samples = new float[3][(int) vertexCount];
        int i = 0;
        for (Vertex vertex : hull.vertices()) {
            samples[0][i] = vertex.xf();
            samples[1][i] = vertex.yf();
            samples[2][i] = vertex.zf();
        RealType xType = RealType.getRealType("X");
        RealType yType = RealType.getRealType("Y");
        RealType zType = RealType.getRealType("Z");
        RealType[] xyz = {xType, yType, zType};
        RealTupleType xyzType = new RealTupleType(xyz);
        Irregular3DSet set = new Irregular3DSet(xyzType, samples);
        System.out.println("Triangulation computed");

        // Wrap as a RealMask.
        RealMask roi = new RealMask() {
            private ThreadLocal<float[][]> value = new ThreadLocal<float[][]>() {
                public float[][] initialValue() {
                    return new float[3][1];

            public boolean test(RealLocalizable t) {
                float[][] v = value.get();
                try {
                    v[0][0] = t.getFloatPosition(0);
                    v[1][0] = t.getFloatPosition(1);
                    v[2][0] = t.getFloatPosition(2);
                    int[] tri = set.valueToTri(v);
                    return tri[0] >= 0;
                catch (VisADException exc) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(exc);

            public int numDimensions() { return 3; }
        System.out.println("ROI created: " + roi);

        class Tester {
            private RealPoint point = new RealPoint(3);
            public void inside(double... p) {
                point.setPosition(p[0], 0);
                point.setPosition(p[1], 1);
                point.setPosition(p[2], 2);
                System.out.println(point + " -> " + roi.test(point));
        Tester t = new Tester();
        System.out.println("Testing some points:");
        t.inside(1, 2, 3);
        t.inside(50, 45, 40);
        t.inside(100, 55, 10);

        // Display the results.
//      ij.get(ROIService.class).add(roi, dataset);
        ij.ui().show("Dataset", dataset);

        // Use ImageJ1 to display the ROI. :-(
//      ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage();
//      Roi ij1Roi = ij.convert().convert(roi, Roi.class);
//      System.out.println("IJ1 roi = " + ij1Roi);
//      imp.setRoi(ij1Roi);

        // Use BDV to display the ROI. :-/
//      RealRandomAccessible<BoolType> maskRA = Masks.toRealRandomAccessible(roi);
//, dataset, "ROI");

        // Wrap the ROI in a RandomAccessibleInterval and display that.
        RealRandomAccessible<BoolType> roiRA = Masks.toRealRandomAccessible(roi);
        RandomAccessible<BoolType> roiRaster = Views.raster(roiRA);
        RandomAccessibleInterval<BoolType> roiRAI = Views.interval(roiRaster, dataset);
        ij.ui().show("ROI", roiRAI);