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Add download links to Fiji releases from mirrors #264

Closed carandraug closed 1 year ago

carandraug commented 1 year ago

I've recently made a mirror of the Fiji latest release at This PR changes the download table to list those mirrors.

The original format wouldn't fit a link to the mirrors in a nice way so I shuffle things around and made a "simple" table. This PR makes it look like this:


I added the underline on the link text (which I guess is not common anymore) because otherwise there's no separation between the two sites (only the comma but that's too small) and it appears to all be a single link instead of two. The underline makes it clear that there's two links there.

For reference, it currently looks like this:


imagesc-bot commented 1 year ago

This pull request has been mentioned on Forum. There might be relevant details there:

ctrueden commented 1 year ago

Ahhh, it's already been almost 3 months? I haven't forgotten about this; I'll try to review + merge as soon as I can...

imagejan commented 1 year ago

@carandraug wrote:

I added the underline on the link text (which I guess is not common anymore) because otherwise there's no separation between the two sites

By default, the underline appears on mouse-over. Wouldn't that be enough to separate the links? On the other hand, it's probably nice for touchscreens...

carandraug commented 1 year ago

By default, the underline appears on mouse-over. Wouldn't that be enough to separate the links? On the other hand, it's probably nice for touchscreens...

But one doesn't hover links to check if it's one or multiple. When I tried it, I thought it looked confusing and that this approach was better but at this point it's all opinions, so whatever you guys prefer.

carandraug commented 1 year ago

It's now been closer to 4 months. Is there any issue with this PR?

imagejan commented 1 year ago

I took the liberty (and responsibility) and merged it now. Thanks @carandraug for providing the mirrors!