Closed Vweston closed 3 years ago
It works fine with UIViewControllerRepresentable. Here is an example that will attach an UIImage to the binding you pass.
To use it, create a view, your SwiftUI view where you want to have the CameraView. Your view needs to have a @State that holds the output UIImage and another @State that holds an instance of the Camera Manager.
So, in your body:
VStack {
if let cameraManager = self.cameraManager {
CameraView(image: self.$capturedImage, cameraManager: cameraManager)
} else {
self.cameraManager = CameraManager()
self.cameraManager = nil
Use onAppear&onDisappear to init the CameraManager and shut off the camera afterwards. That's why I keep CameraManager as a @State. If you don't do that, you will have a greed dot on the top right corner of your screen indicating camera use and your users may think that you are secretly recording them.
struct CameraView : UIViewControllerRepresentable {
@Binding var image : UIImage?
let cameraManager : CameraManager?
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> CMViewController {
let vc = CMViewController(camera: .front, coordinator: context.coordinator)
return vc
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: CMViewController, context: Context) {
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
let coordinator = Coordinator(cameraManager : self.cameraManager ?? CameraManager())
return coordinator
class Coordinator : NSObject {
init(cameraManager: CameraManager) {
self.cameraManager = cameraManager
let cameraManager : CameraManager
class CMViewController : UIViewController {
let coordinator : Coordinator
init(camera : CameraDevice, coordinator : Coordinator) {
self.coordinator = coordinator
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
func setCamera(_ camera : CameraDevice ){
self.coordinator.cameraManager.cameraDevice = camera
self.coordinator.cameraManager.writeFilesToPhoneLibrary = false
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.coordinator.cameraManager.addLayerPreviewToView(self.view, newCameraOutputMode: .stillImage) {
print("CMViewController DONE")
Thank you Mertol Kasanan, that worked. It would have taken me quite awhile to figure all of that out. Saved me a lot of trial & error. Much appreciated.
Hi @mrtksn! I followed your code example, and I noticed a capture delay issue. If I switch between cameras and then capture a photo, it has a delay of about 2-3 seconds until the capture callback returns. After that, every time I switch the camera direction it adds to the delay.
Any idea why?
Found the reason why
General Question about using CameraManager with SwiftUI. Is there an example of how to do this. I’m trying to figure it out, but still in a very early learning curve. Any help would be appreciated.
is there also a way to manually rotate the camera image &/or flip the camera image?