imaginary-cloud / redmine_evm

Earned Value Management plugin for Redmine
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undefined method `is_closed' for nil:NilClass #34

Closed momibun926 closed 6 years ago

momibun926 commented 10 years ago

Select from the BaseLines-DropDown, it occur error.

error log is

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined method `is_closed' for nil:NilClass): 153:

154: <%= render :partial => '/baselines/chart_js', :locals => { maximum_chart_date: @project.maximum_chart_date(@baseline), project_chart_data: @project.data_for_chart(@baseline, @forecast_is_enabled) } %> 155:
156: 157:
158: <% @project.versions.each do |version| %> 159: <% unless version.is_excluded(@baseline) %>

nfecastro commented 10 years ago

Hello momibun926,

we will look into this and fix it as soon as possible.

Thanks for the feedback.

nfecastro commented 10 years ago

Hello momibun926,

I was trying to reproduce the error to see what was wrong but I can't make it happen.

Can you give me some more details on this?


momibun926 commented 10 years ago

Hi Nuno Castro,

My Environment is Redmine version:2.5.2.stable Ruby version:1.9.3-p231 (2012-05-25) [i386-mingw32] Rails version:3.2.19 Environment:production

Not working: EVM tab -> Baseline-Dropdown Selected past baseline URL:

working: Settings tab -> Baseline tab -> Baseline-list Click past baseline URL:

nfecastro commented 10 years ago

When you select a "past baseline" from the dropdown you're being redirected to .../redmine/baselines/4 ?

Can you confirm that? Anyway that shouldn't happen so I will check it.

momibun926 commented 10 years ago

Sorry, I mistake.

Not Working: EVM tab -> Baseline-Dropdown Selected past baseline URL:

working: Settings tab -> Baseline tab -> Baseline-list Click past baseline URL:

nfecastro commented 10 years ago

It's strange beacause both, the dropdown and the list, redirect you to the same action so they both should work.

Can you send the full log error please?

momibun926 commented 10 years ago

Hi Nuno Castro,

The log was not being output.

nfecastro commented 10 years ago

Normally you can see the logs in you terminal app in the same place where you put your server running.

Without this is going to be hard to help you because ,like I said before, both "lists" redirect the browser to the same action so if one is working fine the other should work also.

momibun926 commented 10 years ago

Hi Nuno Castro, I try to clean install, only redmine_evm plugin. Error situation did not change.

It is working After change the source as follows: line 175 in app/views/baselines/show.html.erb,

window.location = '/baselines/' + $(this).val(); -> window.location = '/redmine/baselines/' + $(this).val();

nfecastro commented 10 years ago

Hello @momibun926,

can you run this

$ rake routes | grep baseline

and paste here the result?

momibun926 commented 10 years ago

hi @nfecastro

        baselines GET          /baselines(.:format)                            baselines#index
    edit_baseline GET          /baselines/:id/edit(.:format)                   baselines#edit
         baseline GET          /baselines/:id(.:format)                        baselines#show
                  PUT          /baselines/:id(.:format)                        baselines#update
                  DELETE       /baselines/:id(.:format)                        baselines#destroy
project_baselines POST         /projects/:project_id/baselines(.:format)       baselines#create

new_project_baseline GET /projects/:project_id/baselines/new(.:format) baselines#new

Sousa5 commented 6 years ago

Hi @momibun926

Not able to reproduce this on redmine versions that we support (2.6.10 or above)
