imaginary-cloud / redmine_evm

Earned Value Management plugin for Redmine
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error in EVM tab related to #41 #63

Closed pablodav closed 9 years ago

pablodav commented 9 years ago

Hello, it happens on ubuntu 14.04 installation with redmine 2.4 I have noticed same problem as #41

Environment: Redmine version 2.4.2.stable Ruby version 1.9.3-p484 (2013-11-22) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 3.2.16 Environment production Database adapter MySQL SCM: Subversion 1.8.8 Git 1.9.1 Filesystem

Redmine plugins: redmine_code_review 0.6.5 redmine_custom_reports 0.1.4 redmine_evm 1.0.0 redmine_gitlab_hook 0.1.3 redmine_graphs 0.1.0 redmine_workload 1.0.3 scrum 0.10.0

Completed 302 Found in 9.3ms (ActiveRecord: 0.9ms)
Started GET "/baselines/1" for at 2015-07-04 13:12:24 -0300
Processing by BaselinesController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
Current user: pestigarribia (id=7)
DEPRECATION WARNING: Passing the format in the template name is deprecated. Please pass render with :formats => [:js] instead. (called from _plugins_redmine_evm_app_views_baselines_show_html_erb__3481449037887986800_46340700 at /usr/share/redmine/plugins/redmine_evm/app/views/baselines/show.html.erb:14)
Rendered plugins/redmine_evm/app/views/baselines/_init_translations.js.erb (27.0ms)
Rendered plugins/redmine_evm/app/views/baselines/show.html.erb within layouts/base (173.6ms)
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 183.4ms

ActionView::Template::Error (String can't be coerced into Float):

60: <%= l(:label_the_project_is)%> <%= "#{label_schedule_performance_percentage}%" if label_schedule_performance_percentage %>

61: <%= label_schedule_performance_status %>

plugins/redmine_evm/app/models/baseline.rb:105:in -' plugins/redmine_evm/app/models/baseline.rb:105:incost_variance'
plugins/redmine_evm/app/helpers/baselines_helper.rb:24:in label_schedule_performance_percentage' plugins/redmine_evm/app/views/baselines/show.html.erb:61:inblock in _plugins_redmine_evm_app_views_baselines_show_html_erb__3481449037887986800_46340700'
/usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/action_view/helpers/capture_helper.rb:40:in block in capture' /usr/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/action_view/helpers/capture_helper.rb:187:inwith_output_buffer'
pablodav commented 9 years ago

Seems that the problem is with my version, as i have 2.4 and comments says that the support is for 2.5 and above, I will try to download older version for now until I get an upgrade. Unfortunately, I didn't find comments to see which version is the last with support for 2.4