imaginevision / Z-Camera-Doc

Document for Z Camera
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GET ?act=info response returns incorrect values #48

Open audionerd opened 4 years ago

audionerd commented 4 years ago

According to, ?act=info can be used to get the duration and size of the video file. From the docs:

GET /DCIM/110ZCAME/ZCAM0100_0000_201811121522.MOV?act=info
  "code": 0,
  "desc": "",
  "msg": "",
  "w": 2880,   // video width
  "h": 2880,   // video height
  "vts": 30000, // video timescale
  "vcnt": 107,   // video packet count
  "dur": 107107 // video duration.

But the values actually returned in the response are incorrect.

For reference, in our testing, once we downloaded the actual .MOV file we used ffprobe to view its actual values to compare to the ?act=info JSON response. We were recording to ProRes (stream #0:0), and the file also has an HEVC proxy (stream #0:1), and audio (stream #0:2), as well as a timecode stream.

For our use case, we want to know the actual video duration and actual frame count of the video for verification purposes, to make sure that it has downloaded correctly. But currently, we cannot rely on ?act=info to provide these values accurately.

Please fix ?act=info to provide more accurate information about the video, and update the documentation to accurately describe how ?act=info works.

QuinnyPig commented 2 years ago

Can also confirm that ?act=md5 returns an md5 checksum that bears no discernible relation to the actual file being queried. That seems... less than ideal?