imagiscope / EarthStudioTools

Blender Panel to import Google Earth Studio, KML Routes, and 3D Masking
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Problems with macroscopic projects #19

Closed p-try closed 10 months ago

p-try commented 10 months ago

Hello everybody! What a great project this is. I'm so thankful for your effort to make Google Earth animation available to people who don't have access to After Effects.

Here's my problem: I have absolutely no trouble working with projects with the camera close to the ground, i.e. you can see individual buildings and streets and the KML path runs through the city with the camera flying 500 metres above. However, for my current project, I'd like to show a much more macroscopic view, in this case a large part of Australia. The camera is 2000 kilometres above the ground. In this project, an imported KML route does not show in Blender. I have played around a lot with the bevel depth values (I thought I'd just have to make the route a lot thicker which seemed logical) but I can't make it work.

Now the general question is: is this simply not possible due to limitations in how Blender works or am I just doing something wrong?

Test project attached.

p-try commented 10 months ago

Got it. It's the clipping distance of the camera. It's set to 10000 km but even that was simply not enough for my case. Set it to 50000 km, boom, works.