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Help with setting this up on my local machine :) #6

Closed imalexsq closed 12 years ago

imalexsq commented 12 years ago

I've been trying to set up the repo so I can play around with it. When I try using WEBrick and visit localhost:3000 the browser says "Waiting for localhost" and the server console doesn't show any requests. Is there something I need to do after getting the repo from github to make WEBrick serve it on my localhost?

I also tried using Apache and Passanger, which I got working, but when I visit localhost it tells me I don't have permission to access "/" I'm assuming Passange and Apache are looking for the production mode and Chris has it in development mode and this needs to be changed to work on my local mahcine. Is that correct?

I'll use either server, I just want to get it working, so any help will be much appreciated.

I really want to get started on this.

SaqibS commented 12 years ago

Strange - I got it working ok - I'm using Windows at the moment:

stayhero commented 12 years ago

I have no experience with Rails + Windows but I assume it should work, or at least throw some errors on the server console. Apache & Passenger should be overkill for development mode. But if you want to try, you can specify the Rails environment with Passenger/Apache in the apache configuration (

How did you installed Ruby+Rails? Did you use ? Maybe it's, like SaqibS suggested, a local firewall issue? You could try to make it listen on another port for testing purpose, e.g. "rails s -p 80"?

commonlisp commented 12 years ago

It works for me. I'm on Snow Leopard MacOS X. Firewalls are the usual suspects.

imalexsq commented 12 years ago

I'm on Snow Leopard too... I'll fiddle with it tonight and get it working. I'd really like to get started on this, you guys need to tell me if you need anything else at this point.

We need a way to chat real time, we can use Skype or I found this app: Here is another task management app , take a look and tell me if it'll help us.

I've also been doing some research and found these to help us: - for the the activity stream, older - another one, newer - for private messaging, it would have to be able to send to and receive from regular emails

That's it for now, I'll add more info here as I find it.

commonlisp commented 12 years ago

One possible problem is that the database isn't connecting. One workaround is rails server -e development_local which tries to connect to a local MySQL so at least if it fails, it will fail quickly.

imalexsq commented 12 years ago

I actually got it working. I had to downgrade to mysql 5.1 and upgrade ruby to 1.9.3 and everything is working now :)