imalhasaranga / PDFLib

Current Release provide you methods to convert PDF to Images as well as Images to PDF, future releases will included more functions to interact with PDF files
MIT License
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Bugfix page ranges that do not start with 1 as gs outputs pages start… #2

Closed joshbmarshall closed 6 years ago

joshbmarshall commented 7 years ago

…ing with 1 regardless of the actual page in the pdf

In my case I was pulling out a single page (page 5) of a document. Ghostscript creates a file called page-1.png - so the code was failing looking for page-5.png when it didn't exist.

imalhasaranga commented 7 years ago

Did you test this bug fix ?

joshbmarshall commented 7 years ago

Yes I am using it in production :)

imalhasaranga commented 7 years ago

Great! give me sometime i'll check this and everything looks good i'll create a release version :)

joshbmarshall commented 7 years ago

Hi can you please create a release version?