imalhasaranga / PDFLib

Current Release provide you methods to convert PDF to Images as well as Images to PDF, future releases will included more functions to interact with PDF files
MIT License
58 stars 37 forks source link

Renaming Composer package ? #4

Open imalhasaranga opened 6 years ago

imalhasaranga commented 6 years ago

When I created this composer package, I created it with the name of imal-h/pdf-box but within few hours I got a issue opened by a java developer saying that pdf-box is a trade mark and I should not use it, so I had to rename the repo to PDFLib.

now the problem is people still have to use

composer require imal-h/pdf-box

And i'm thinking should I abandon the this package and should I recreate a new composer package with the name of imal-h/pdflib

Unfortunately this may lose all the download count and with that credibility goes down too.. let me know your thoughts