imalhasaranga / PDFLib

Current Release provide you methods to convert PDF to Images as well as Images to PDF, future releases will included more functions to interact with PDF files
MIT License
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Configurable convert options #9

Open arildm opened 6 years ago

arildm commented 6 years ago

Resolves #8

imalhasaranga commented 6 years ago

are all the tests are passing ?

imalhasaranga commented 6 years ago

I would like if you can make this an optional parameter which user can set if he want, so code should look like this

        $pdfLibConfigurar = new PDFLibConfigurar();
        $pdfLib = new PDFLib($pdfLibConfigurar);

so users who want to configure the library can create a configurar object and pass it to the constructor of the PdfLIb(); and others who do not want any advance configurations they can use the library the same old way

what do you think ?

arildm commented 6 years ago

That would perhaps be slightly better, yes. Because then we don't need to add new public methods to PDFLib. I don't recognize that pattern, but it looks almost like the Builder pattern.

To answer your old question: I never managed to get phpunit running, so I couldn't test it.

imalhasaranga commented 6 years ago

Sorry could not reply to you... it is just an example if you could implement builder pattern that would be great!!