imalsogreg / reffit

Community mini-reviews for scientific papers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Specialized comments #3

Open xpliu16 opened 10 years ago

xpliu16 commented 10 years ago

Each account is associated with up to three fairly specialized subfields. Each paper will be tagged with up to 3(?) subfields (finest level on the hierarchy) (who tags?). If a user is affiliated with one of those subfields, their votes and comments on the paper are tabulated separately and shown as "specialized votes," etc.

Specializations can be changed once a year.

Also useful for job search feature.

What happens if a person changes their subfield? If it was a specialty at the time, it remains a "specialized vote".

AnneTheAgile commented 10 years ago

Could the list of subfields be taken from a reference journal's subfields?

Subfields get added and possibly deleted over time, and the names also morph. Nowadays we have Data Science, but in the past maybe it would have been just Data Analysis or DB work, not sure of the exact subfield, but pretty sure DS is a new term. //AnneTheAgile