imandra-ai / imandra-vscode

VSCode extension for developing imandra
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Functors in program mode not working #28

Closed ewenmaclean closed 4 years ago

ewenmaclean commented 4 years ago

The following code require imandra-tools installed on the build switch and where imandra-merlin and imandra are running:

[@@@require "imandra-tools"];;

module DecompositionConfig = struct

  module State_machine =  struct
    type state = Non;;

    type event = Event;;

    let init_state = Non;;

    let step event state =

    let is_valid event state =

  let module_name = "DecompositionConfig"

  module Template = struct
    type t = TemplateT
    type c = State_machine.event;;
    let data = "";;
    let concrete = fun _ _ -> true;;
end ;;

let basis = ["abs"];;

module Idf = Imandra_tools.Idf;;

module D = Idf.Make(DecompositionConfig);;

module IDF_S = D.Symbolic;;
module IDF_C = D.Sampling;;

This errors because the line module D = Idf.Make(DecompositionConfig);; does not return properly from the server. Running on the command line is fine.