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geo_functions :: Trend estimation functions #172

Open imarkonis opened 3 months ago

imarkonis commented 3 months ago

Copy trend estimation functions from evap_trend to geo_functions.

Jorub commented 3 months ago

Added two trend functions that use TheilSen. The first trends_lon_lat_boot parallizes across lon, lat and calculates a trend for each lon, lat grid. The user has to define a "pollutant" (wording from openair).
The second trends_dataset_boot also parallizes across lon, lat BUT this calculates a trend for each lon, lat AND dataset. The user has to define a "pollutant" (wording from openair).

The openair package requires the time to be in a specific wording. Should I adapt the functions to test the time has the correct name, wording? See example evap_datasets[, year := as.numeric(as.character(year))] evap_datasets[, date := paste0(year, "-01-01 00:00:00")] evap_datasets[, date := as.POSIXct(date)]

imarkonis commented 3 months ago

Let's keep it as it is for now, but with a comment on openair date format requirement