imathis / fancy-buttons

Fancy CSS Buttons using Compass
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Sass::SyntaxError: Mixin radial-gradient takes 2 arguments but 3 were passed. #10

Closed jocubeit closed 14 years ago

jocubeit commented 14 years ago

Error occurs in buttons.sass.

Commenting out the offending line and replacing with the original from the example remedies the situation:

//=custom-fancy-gradient(!color1, !color2)
//  +radial-gradient("50% 10%, 10, 50% 10%, 30", !color1, darken(!color2, 5))
=custom-fancy-gradient(!color1, !color2)
    +radial-gradient(color_stops(!color1, darken(!color2, 5) 30px), "50% 10%")
jduarte commented 14 years ago

I've also had the same issue.

Is that the right thing to do?

jocubeit commented 14 years ago

Thought I'd add that I'm using the following versions:

ruby (1.8.7) (2010-01-10 patchlevel 249) [i686-darwin10.0.0] rails (2.3.5) haml (2.2.20) compass (0.10.0.pre8, 0.8.17) compass-colors (0.3.1) fancy-buttons (0.4.0)

PabloC commented 14 years ago

+1. I've the same issue.

imathis commented 14 years ago

Opps. Sorry about that. I forgot to update the template file along with the example file. Fixed now in 0.4.1