imathis / fancy-buttons

Fancy CSS Buttons using Compass
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"undefined operation" using compass-color mixins inside conditional #2

Closed ghost closed 14 years ago

ghost commented 14 years ago

Seeing these error in a few places, and I don't know enough about Sass syntax to suggest a fix. I have the latest, greatest fancy-buttons + compass + compass-colors cloned from github.

Sass::SyntaxError on line ["33"] of /home/korch/opt/lib/ruby/gems/gems/fancy-buttons-0.3.2/lib/sass/./_fancy_buttons.sass: Undefined operation: "saturation(#444444) gt 0".

Sass::SyntaxError on line ["43"] of /home/korch/opt/lib/ruby/gems/gems/fancy-buttons-0.3.2/lib/sass/./_fancy_buttons.sass: Undefined operation: "luminosity(saturate(#444444, 40)) lt luminosity(#aaaaaa)".

ghost commented 14 years ago

whoops, didn't add 'require "compass-colors"' to my config/compass.config file, now it works!

imathis commented 14 years ago

Glad you figured that out. FYI soon this will be integrated into Sass core, so you won't have to require compass-colors. I'll probably be updating the gem in a week or two to support a new Haml/Sass and new Compass release.