imathis / fancy-buttons

Fancy CSS Buttons using Compass
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Fix for date format in gemspec #29

Closed msolli closed 13 years ago

msolli commented 13 years ago


This change fixes a problem with the date specification in the gemspec.

This line in the gemspec caused problems for me on August 1st: = "#{}-#{}-#{}"

The resulting string would be "2011-8-1", which of course is an invalid date specification:

/Users/martin/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p180/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/specification.rb:990:in `date=': invalid date format in specification: "2011-8-1" (Gem::InvalidSpecificationException)
    from /Users/martin/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p180@thalamus/bundler/gems/fancy-buttons-66ddfffa237a/fancy-buttons.gemspec:7:in `block in <main>'
imathis commented 13 years ago

Thanks. Does this interfere with being able to use Fancy Buttons or just being able to build it?

msolli commented 13 years ago

Dang, that was fast! :)

Yeah, I couldn't bundle install it from my app, Bundler was choking on the date format.

imathis commented 13 years ago

Good to know I'll do a point release. Thanks again!

imathis commented 13 years ago

Sorry for the delay. Fixed version pushed. Thanks for your help :)