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Sass warning: #{} interpolation near operators will be simplified in a future version of Sass #1761

Open sapphirezzz opened 8 years ago

sapphirezzz commented 8 years ago

What should I do with this ?

rake generate

Set the codepage to 65001 for Windows machines

Generating Site with Jekyll

directory source/stylesheets DEPRECATION WARNING on line 87 of D:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/css3/_deprecated-support.scss: #{} interpolation near operators will be simplified in a future version of Sass. To preserve the current behavior, use quotes:

unquote('"$moz-"#{$experimental-support-for-mozilla} "$webkit-"#{$experimental-support-for-webkit} "$opera-"#{$experimental-support-for-opera} "$microsoft-"#{$experimental-support-for-microsoft} "$khtml-"#{$experimental-support-for-khtml}')

You can use the sass-convert command to automatically fix most cases.

DEPRECATION WARNING on line 92 of D:/Ruby22-x64/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/gems/compass-core-1.0.3/stylesheets/compass/css3/_deprecated-support.scss: #{} interpolation near operators will be simplified in a future version of Sass. To preserve the current behavior, use quotes:

unquote('"$ie6-"#{$legacy-support-for-ie6} "$ie7-"#{$legacy-support-for-ie7} "$ie8-"#{$legacy-support-for-ie8}')

You can use the sass-convert command to automatically fix most cases.

write source/stylesheets/screen.css

Configuration file: C:/Users/XXX/Desktop/blog/_config.yml Source: source Destination: public Generating... done. Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.

said3ourhou commented 8 years ago

I have the same probleme here :(

fvoges commented 7 years ago

fixed it with

bundle exec sass-convert -i sass/screen.scss
git commit sass/screen.scss