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Dom memoizing #11

Open weepy opened 5 years ago

weepy commented 5 years ago

What is dom memoizing. I can’t find an explanation on the website or the docs. Thanks !

ericvida commented 5 years ago

@somebee Can we have a layman's term for this?

I love how Radi.js calls their method "micro-rendering"

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foxbunny commented 5 years ago

@weepy Memoized DOM is documented here:

NOTE: the screencast linked to from the docs says "Imperative DOM", that's an old name for "Memoized DOM".

PierBover commented 5 years ago

Memoizing is when you cache the work of a function so it only does the same work once.

DOM memoizing is caching the work of functions that modify the DOM.