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ICV| 国际传播联合会秋季招新 2.0 #105

Open imbahuang opened 2 years ago

imbahuang commented 2 years ago

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

ICV| 国际传播联合会秋季招新 2.0 by ICV MKT

Aim to be the IC voice, and your choice


Please click 'read the full text ' in the bottom in case that the QR code for online application is not working. Thanks.



More recruitment arrangements are in the Recruitment Process-offline application part in this article!



your voice, your choice

· 做media text的分析者:


· 做media text的创造者:



· 做media theories的学习者与传播者




与tutor的交流不再局限于office hour!

· 做media领域的**定义者与开拓者!**




ICV 用传媒技术和知识推送


·Analyzer of media texts

  Creating and operating the most professional academic media Wechat Account in UNNC

·Creator of media texts

  Visual design and start your own creative industry career here!

·Media Theory learner+transmitter of IC knowledge

  Invite tutors to broaden your horizon beyond IC

  Grab the chance to improve your academic level through Interviews to tutors and systematically summarizing their ideas

  IC theories are not doomed to be tough and abstract (Especially for year 1!), and communication with tutors can be outside the office hour. 

· Definer and explorer of media discipline

  Participate in planning and promoting new media activity programs to envoke students' passion for media world.

These can both help you to observe the media world from a critical distance theoretically and effectively apply media to arouse popularization and participation.

Insights and amusement make media studies fascinating

We aim to be the voice, and your choice.



9.29-9.30 IC Conference






《宁诺传媒评论 Insightful Eyepetizer**》编辑**

9.29-9.30 IC Conference

IC lectures+workshops

Film Criticism Session

UNNC Press Assembly

Visual Art Design Competition

Wechat Academic Updates

…… ![]( **2018,ICV等待你来安排!** **Your ideas will account for its blossom!** ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( **02** **组织及下属部门简介** **Brief Introduction to ICV** 1      **总述** **·** 宁波诺丁汉大学传播联合会(International Communications VIBE)成立于2018年7月,是诺丁汉大学**国际传播系唯一官方学生组织**,为人文社科学生会(Humanities and Social Sciences Student Association)的重要组成部分。 **·** IC VIBE(下文简称ICV)为师生提供了一个在传媒方面互相交流的平台,所涉及内容包括**电影、新闻、传播理论、新媒体等多方位领域**。ICV致力于通过学术会议和形式丰富的活动帮助学生结合兴趣与专业,从而提升专业素质并且拓展自我。 **·** International Communications VIBE (ICV) is established in July 2018 as the **only official student organization of the International Communications Faculty** and one important component of Humanities and Social Sciences Student Association (HSSA). **·** IC VIBE offers one optimal communication platform, which can include student communications, wisdom collides, strengthen cooperation, resource sharing in terms of **film studies, journalism, communication theories**, and new media. ICV is devoted to helping students to contain IC major in amusement and personal interests, and ultimately improve professional quality and broaden horizons through academic conferences and more activities in rich forms. 1      **宣传行政部** **Marketing Department** ![]( **①** **部门简介** **Department Introduction** 国际传播联合会直属部门,**通过综合运用新媒体进行活动项目推广以及学术栏目推送等方式,让ICV为IC发声。** 该部门主要负责两个工作任务:**公众号学术项目**与**主视觉设计。**该部门工作者需要较好的媒体技术、设计审美或较为扎实的传媒学术能力。宣传部门的同学也有机会在会议上参与项目的策划及讨论。 **在此部门,你能收获**:学术知识干货的整合、撰写经验+媒体技术+翻译技能提升 Marketing department is under direct control of ICV, and **it manages the branding of ICV by effective utilization of new media to creatively promote new activity programs and academic resources, which will utimately help to brand IC major in UNNC**. Marketing Department is mainly responsible for two programs: **_Academic Office_** and **Technical Support**,  which requires media academic and practical speciality. Besides, Marketing members also have rich chances to participate in planning and discussing new projects since their engagement and involvement are directly linked to promotion work. You can gain improvement in your academic performance+media techniques+translating skills here. **②** **招新要求** **Recruitment Standard** **注:** **招新要求仅供参考,可能有不完善之处,以面试表现为准;****我们欢迎任何有意向参与我们的同学前来面试。具体媒体技能可以后期培训。** **The recruitment standard is only for reference and we will judge your capability and whether ICV is compatible to you by your interview performance and task submissions.** **1)** 擅长微信推文文案撰写,有过微信公众号运营经验者优先 Good at writing official documents and announcements (students with rich experiences of managing official Wechat accounts are preferred) **2)** 对国际传播学学术理论有着浓厚兴趣;在校IC学术成绩优异;或对热点敏感、广泛涉猎传媒、媒体分析独到且有一定深度。 Deeply interested in International Communications (media studies) or dedicate to academic self-improvements (senior students who have achieved distinguished marks are preferred in tryouts); Pay much attention to media trends; good at writing insightful media analysis. **3)** 掌握基础平面设计或视频制作技术(建议报名者在报名问卷Q13处上传自己的媒体设计作品或个人经历) Have commands of basic graphic design and video producing (better present your media techniques by uploading your original media designs in Q13 in online application form) 1      **项目组织部** **Project Development Department** ![]( **①** **部门简介** **Department Introduction** 该部门主要负责国际传媒联合会**各种****新型活动的策划与举办、与各大组织的合作交流、以及邀请接待媒体代表。**新型而专业性强的项目策划与人文社科学院的支持让ICV得以拥有较大的活动规模和较高的宣传起点。 该部门主要的工作小组任务包括**项目策划、财务管理与外联等。** **在此部门,你能收获:**项目创意策划能力提升+外联及财务管理技能。 Project Development Department of ICV focuses on **planning and exploring more ideas of new projects, strengthening cooperation between various organizations,  and inviting media representatives.** The creative yet professional program planning and strong support from FHSS back ICV up and can make creative plans efficiently work out with less obstacles. This department has three main functions: Project planning,  Finance Management, and Public Relations. **②** **招新要求** **Recruitment Standard** **1)**擅长传媒类项目策划,或有策划组织校园内外社团/社会时间活动的经验 Have ideas or experiences of planning and managing activity programs (better if related to media topics) **2)**掌握较为熟练的Office Excel技术 Have good commands of Office Excel **3)**有过在社团组织或相关活动的记账及财务管理经验 Have experiences/Capable of finance management ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( **04** **招新流程** **recruitment process** **①** **网上报名** 1 点击文末报名链接,填写报名信息。该链接将于**9月23号20:00关闭** Click the QR code for application and register your information. (This link will be available until **20:00 in 23rd Sept.**) 2 **关注ICV微信公众号并扫码加入ICV的微信/QQ咨询群**(二维码均贴示于本文文末),以方便信息通知与最新资讯获取 **Follow ICV official wechat account and join wechat and qq consulting groups** (the QR code of which are down below in this article) to get effectively the latest information. **②** **线下报名** **注**:线下报名请关注ICV近期线下招新安排 **1)** 19-20号 PB负一楼SAIC中心摆摊咨询(具体时间将后续在公众号更新) ICV will hold stands for consultation in SAIC from 19th to 20th Sept. (in PB basement). The accurate time will be updated in ICV official wechat account. **2)** 9月21号 9am-5pm 百团大战。欢迎前来咨询和领取精美周边纪念品~! You are welcome to ask any questions or take our gifts in the Booth Display for Organizations, which will be held from 9am to 5pm on 21st Sept. 备注 **备注** **Remarks** **1)** 具体面试要求、时间、地点等信息将通过微信招新群或邮件、短信等渠道进行通知。 Specific interview requirements (such as time and place) will be conveyed via Wechat recruitment group chats, emails or texts. **2)** 国际传播联合会是隶属于人文社科学生会(HSSA)的专业性组织、与校内其他影视传媒类组织或社团无关,报名时请加以区分。 ICV is one component of HSSA, so distinguish ICV from other organizations and clubs with similar names or of related topics when applying. **3)** 我们将从前20位报名者(根据报名链接收集到的信息前后顺序)中抽取5位同学免费领取我们精美的宣传册《你在IC的第一个365天》(默认大陆及港澳台学生领取中文版,来自其他国家和地区的国际生领取英文版) We will randomly choose 5 students from the first 20 applicants to offer one free and distinguished brochure (Mandarin version copy for Chinese students including those from Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan; English version copy for international students) ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( **05** **走进ICV的二维码大门** **Join us!** ![]( ![]( ![]( **小助手微信** Asistant's Wechat ![](        **报名链接** Application link ![]( **微信咨询群** Wechat consulting chat group ![](       **QQ咨询群** **853021004** QQ consulting chat group ![]( ![]( **Follow us on ICV official wechat account** ![]( 1 **END** 1 ![]( **点击阅读原文,直接进行报名!** **Click _read the full text_  to** **apply for ICV directly**