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ICV | IC VIBE 2021 春季招募 #27

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ICV | IC VIBE 2021 春季招募 by ICV MKT




我们是IC VIBE,是媒体的创造人,是尚属微小的发声者,致力于打造属于年轻一代对社会进行探析与分享所思所悟的平台。我们愿致力于成为信息的分析者和创造者,并依然祈求这个社会拥有更多谦逊冷静的目光,拥有认清和坚信“二加二等于四”的勇气,和无惧表达的热忱。


请跟随IC VIBE一起,在茫茫学海中求索,写下我们每一个独立的个体,对这个世界清晰冷静的冥思吧。相信未来的我们,将追寻到属于自己那份无惧表达的热烈与欣喜。

International Communication VIBE


宁波诺丁汉大学国际传播联合会(International Communications VIBE)成立于2018年7月,是宁波诺丁汉大学国际传播系唯一官方学生组织,为人文社科学生会HSSA (Humanities and Social Sciences Student Association)的重要组成部分。IC VIBE是HSSA发起,携手IC学子共同推出的IC学术交流及活动承办平台,致力于打造UNNC的IC VIBE。

International Communications VIBE (ICV) is established in July 2018 as the only official student organization of the International Communications Faculty and one important component of the Humanities and Social Sciences Student Association (HSSA). IC Vibe is an IC academic exchange and activity hosting platform initiated by HSSA and jointly launched by IC students, committed to creating the IC VIBE of UNNC.

IC VIBE (下文简称ICV) 力图打造结合学生专业知识与创造力的平台,供学有所思的学子们紧跟时代与生活,最终渐渐发声,抒发所思。我们所涉及的内容包括传播理论、文化研究、电影、新闻、科技、新媒体等多方位领域。ICV已经通过协办各项学术会议与活动、定期推送有质量的栏目,帮助学生结合专业与兴趣,从而提升专业素质并拓展自我。

IC VIBE offers one optimal communication platform, which can include student communications, wisdom collides, strengthen cooperation, resource sharing in terms of film studies, journalism, communication theories, and new media. ICV is devoted to helping students to contain IC major in amusement and personal interests, and ultimately improve professional quality and broaden horizons through academic conferences and more activities in rich forms.

Marketing Department


The marketing department manages the branding of ICV on new media platforms to creatively promote new activities and share academic resources. Marketing Department (MKT) is mainly responsible for two programs: Academic column Cultural Digest, creative content IChannel, and Technical Support (including graphic designs and video editing), which requires media academic and practical specialty. Additionally, there is a program called Caprice which is a collection of their contributors' articles. It has also taken Weibo as an extension platform, created IC_VIBE, and regularly published articles or popularized IC knowledge.


《评·谈》是ICV线上学术推送栏目,更新连载于微信公众号平台ICV MKT,微博平台@ IC VIBE会对每一期推送进行同步搬运。结合社会实例,力求深入探讨挖掘IC理论,使更多的IC学子找到对专业理论课学习的信念感,点燃热情并拓宽眼界、提升思辨能力。



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《 IChannel 》

《IChannel》为ICV线上文化娱乐推送栏目,聚焦传媒风向,挖掘媒体影像信息,紧跟热点把握时事,加以ICVer独有的评述,让更多人领略传媒在生活中的魅力。评论式长文栏目连载于微信公众号平台ICV MKT。



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About IC

IC这门学科究竟具体在学些什么?学习IC的难点又在哪里?校内IC学习的资源有些什么?ICer们又该如何找到实习机会?在这里,有学术大佬、优秀校友甚至导师帮你开启了解IC的大门。同时,我们也建立起了专属ICer校友网络ICAN(International Communications Alummni Network)。与ICer共享行业最新信息,获取经验知识,得到更多可能存在的实习与工作机会,以建立更加坚固的IC校友共享信息网络。

滑动浏览:点击图片查看往期About IC


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Project Development Department

ICV项目组织部,简称ICV PDD,是ICV大家庭的重要组成部门。主要负责ICV各种活动的策划,举办和宣传; 与各大组织进行密切的合作交流; 邀请接待媒体代表等。新型而专业性强的项目策划与人文社科学院的支持,让我们得以拥有较大的活动规模和较高的宣传起点。在以往举办大型活动的基础之上,PDD也在不断构思更新颖,更具普适性的新型活动,帮助同学们走进IC,爱上IC。

Project Development Department of ICV focuses on planning and exploring more ideas of new projects, strengthening cooperation between various organizations and inviting media representatives based on strong support from FHSS. This department has three main functions: Project planning, Finance Management and Public Relations. On the basis of previous large-scale activities, PDD is also constantly coming up with new and more universal activities to help students get into IC and fall in love with IC.



This year marks the 15th anniversary of the formalization of the Ningbo-Nottingham Friendship City Relationship. A series of activities have been organized to celebrate this anniversary. The International Open Market is the closing event of A Tale of Two Cities Series. Students had a great opportunity to explore the market and witness the exchange between Chinese and Western cultures.



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对角巷之夜 (2020)


This is one of the theme events of the Liberal Culture Festival 2020. ICV invited participants with a common interest in Harry Potter to watch movies and chat with randomly matched partners and play magic games. They could also experience the unique style of liberal arts education at Hogwarts. In this activity, the staff dressed up as students of Hogwarts, and arranged the scene into the appearance of Harry Potter theme, with particularly prepared exquisite gifts, presented a wonderful magic feast for the participants.



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国际传播学会主席、昆士兰科技大学创意产业学院教授、传播学院数字媒体研究中心研究员Terry Flew 来我校开展关于虚假新闻、媒体信任危机和平台监管的客座讲座。

Terry Flew is the professor of Communication and Creative Industries in the Creative Industries Faculty at the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia, and a researcher with the Digital Media Research Centre in the School of Communication. He conducted a guest lecture about the fake news, the crisis of trust, and digital platform regulation in our university.



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福柯展 (2018)

我们以迷宫的形式引导观展者游览福柯的一生,理解其思想的复杂和矛盾。同时,同学们的CT project也为观展者提供了对福柯思想的个性化注解。

ICV Foucault exhibition (2018) : In the form of maze,we are guiding an exhibition tour about Michael Foucault's life, the complex and contradictory at the same time, the works of the students of the CT project also provides for the exhibition of Foucault thoughts of personalized annotations.



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如果你对 ICV MKT(行政宣传部)有兴趣,希望参与到公众号和微信运营中,学习并锻炼相关的美工宣传制作技能,我们希望你:

1). 对国际传播学学术理论有着浓厚兴趣;对社会热点敏感并能进行深入独到的分析

Deeply interested in International Communications (media studies) or dedicate to academic self-improvements (senior students who have achieved distinguished marks are preferred in tryouts); Pay much attention to media trends; Be good at writing insightful media analysis.

2). 擅长文案撰写,有过微信公众号运营经验

Good at writing official documents and announcements (students with rich experiences of managing official WeChat accounts are preferred).

3). 具备一定的图片视频后期处理(平面设计,视频剪辑、特效)、推文海报制作技术



Have commands of basic graphic design and video production (preferred).

4). 在高中阶段有媒体技术实践经验


Have experiences of making media production during senior high.

如果你对 ICV PDD(项目组织部)有兴趣,渴望在多种多样的活动策划中锻炼自己的组织能力和人际交往能力,我们希望你:

1). 团队协作能力强;

Have good teamwork ability.

2). 擅长传媒类项目策划,或有策划组织社团/社会实践活动的经验;

Have ideas or experiences of planning and managing activity programs (better if related to media topics).

3). 掌握较为熟练的Office Excel技术;

Have good commands of Office Excel.

4). 掌握基础平面设计或视频制作技术以及推文海报制作技术;

Have commands of basic graphic design and video production.

5). 有过在社团组织或相关活动的记账及财务管理经验;


Have experience/Capable of finance management and creative mind.

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Scan QR code for application and register your information carefully. This link will be available until 16th Feb.

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文字 | IC VIBE

排版 | 苏苏苏苏

题图 | TanTanFun

审核 | ICV MKT

copyright ©

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