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ICV | 福柯节workshop内容回顾(Review of Walden's workshop) #84

Open imbahuang opened 2 years ago

imbahuang commented 2 years ago

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ICV | 福柯节workshop内容回顾(Review of Walden's workshop) by ICV MKT


☑ Madness and civilization

☑ Discipline and punish

☑ Heterotopia

☑ The history of sexuality

☑ Technologies of self 

☑ Critique and enlightenment 

☑ Aesthetics of existence  

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Brief Introduction to the workshop theme


Foucault seems to be a ghost in communication studies. His complicated ideological system is hidden from his extreme habits, which leads to our ambiguous understanding of him. Therefore, Foucault seems to prove that International Communication studies is abstract and strange. This workshop, held by ICV, aims to explain Foucault’s viewpoints and show our respect to this admirable philosopher.

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Introduction to the host

Walden 吴浩天



CT Essay 78,最近又迷上了福柯晚年的“存在美学”概念。


Where there is power, there is resistance, and yet, or rather consequently, the resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power.’


“Foucault may be thought to be addicted to drugs and SM, regarded a philosopher who has profound study of knowledge and power, or honoured as a great man with remarkable insights. It is undeniable that Foucault never makes us be bored”, said Walden.

由于福柯受尼采影响颇深,他的哲学笼罩着一层“伟大的尼采式的探求”的光晕, 是对人如何成之为人的探索。在本次对福柯的介绍中,吴同学以边缘抒情(Lyrical Marginality)概括了福柯思想特点,并从语境(Discourse),规训(Discipline)和性(sex)这几处权力与知识的交汇点,展开对福柯思想的解读, 内容覆盖了福柯的主要作品及思想:《疯癫与文明》、《规训与惩罚》、异托邦、《性史》、自我技术、存在美学。

Since Foucault is deeply influenced by Nietzsche, his philosophical exploration is under ‘the great Nietzsche Request’ which intends to discover how that makes human 'humanistic'. Walden concluded Foucault’s viewpoints with the term ‘Lyrical Marginality’ and explained his ideas through 'discourse', 'discipline' and 'sex' where power and knowledge converge. This workshop also covers the concepts raised by Foucault such as Heterotopia, technology of self and aesthetics of existence, as well as books written by Foucault, such as Madness and Civilization, Discipline and Punish and The History of Sexuality

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Click the pictures and you will find surprises


Through Walden’s detailed explanation, we could know that


Power is an invisible, fluid and unspeakable substance that permeates the society and could not be get rid of by human.


The concept of ‘madness’ is discursively constructed and marginalized.


To keep ‘normative’ is an excuse for discipline.


As power permeates an individual, one’s behaviour follows a certain system silently and unconsciously. The soul becomes the prison of the body.


Sex is more liky to be a form of power connected with time and the relation of resisting and governing rather than personal preference.


Heterotopia is an imaginary 'castle in the air' to get rid of power as a soft resistence.


In addition, an individual could also make life more poetic by overcoming part of himself which is constructed by power and becomes a man who try to create himself.

/   反思   /


1490年,弗朗西斯科·戈雅 Francisco Goya


Ship of fools-The mad people were expelled form the mainstream society in ships towards nowhere


Have we really escaped when laughing it off in retrospect?


‘The modernity does not liberate man in his own being, it compels him to face the task of producing himself in the indispensable revolt against himself.’

算是一种温柔的悖论和诗意的对抗吧 :)

This can be somehow weirdly reassuring as Foucault seems to reflect upon the discontinuity of time and the tireless pursuit of the ephemeral, fleeting and contingent paces and the vertigo in the face of them.

关于此次研讨会/About This Workshop

#Workshop Host


#承办单位 Organizer

宁波诺丁汉大学人文社科学院/UNNC Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (FHSS)

宁波诺丁汉大学人文社科学院国际传播分会/UNNC Humanities and Social Sciences Association-International Communication Vibe (HSSA-ICV)

#外联 Planner and Public Relations

胡紫晨/Zichen HU

朱美珊/Meishan ZHU


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