imbahuang / ICV

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HSSAICV春季招新 | 从魔幻现实到硬核玄学 #93

Open imbahuang opened 2 years ago

imbahuang commented 2 years ago

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HSSAICV春季招新 | 从魔幻现实到硬核玄学 by ICV MKT


Please click 'read the full text ' in the bottom in case that the QR code for online application does not function for unpredictable technical reasons. Thanks.

宁波诺丁汉大学国际传播联合会(International Communications VIBE)成立于2018年7月,是诺丁汉大学国际传播系唯一官方学生组织,为人文社科学生会(Humanities and Social Sciences Student Association)重要组成部分。

IC VIBE(下文简称ICV)为师生提供了一个在传媒方面互相交流的平台,所涉及内容包括电影、新闻、传播理论、新媒体等多方位领域。ICV致力于通过学术会议和形式丰富的活动帮助学生结合兴趣与专业,从而提升专业素质并且拓展自我。

· International Communications VIBE (ICV) was established in July 2018 as the only official student organization of the International Communications Faculty and one important component of Humanities and Social Sciences Student Association (HSSA).

· IC VIBE offers one optimal communication platform where wisdom collides, cooperation strengthens, resources are shared in terms of film studies, journalism, communication theories, and new media. ICV is devoted to helping students to embrace IC world in amusement and personal interests, and ultimately improve professional quality and broaden horizons through academic conferences and more activities in rich forms.


Project Development Department


Project Development Department of ICV focuses on planning and exploring more ideas of new projects, strengthening cooperation between various organizations, and inviting media representatives. The creative yet professional program planning and strong support from FHSS back ICV up.

This department has three main functions: Project planning,  Finance Management, and Public Relations.


Previous Activities


UNNC Journalist Day


Through various kinds of activities, we aimed to make the glamour of journalism and the efforts paied for the public to grasp the truth they delievered, all these easily ignored details retrospected and valued.

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"The silver screen called and I answered"


The silver screen called and I answered; each glance ignited to a gaze into YOU.


FHSS Dinner


Flashbacks to achievements in 2018

and expectation for progress in 2019

Academic discussion and experience sharing with others across majors

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1) 擅长传媒类项目策划,或有策划组织校园内外社团/社会实践活动的经验

2)掌握较为熟练的Office Excel技术


1) Have ideas or experiences of planning and managing activity programs

(better if related to media topics)

2) Good commands of Office Excel

3) Have experiences/Capable of finance management


Marketing Department

国际传播联合会直属部门,通过综合运用新媒体进行活动项目推广以及学术栏目推送等方式,让ICV为IC发声。目前,宣传行政部在ICV公众号上创建了针对IC学术内容的《评·谈》与关注新媒体动向的IChannel 两个栏目。

Marketing department manages the branding of ICV by new media platforms to creatively promote new activities and share academic resources.

Marketing Department is mainly responsible for two programs: 1. Academic column of , creative content of , and 2. Technical Support (including graphic designs and video editing),  which requires media academic and practical speciality. Besides, Marketing members also have chances to participate in planning and discussing new projects since their engagement and involvement are directly linked to promotion work.

You can gain improvement in your academic performance+media techniques+translating skills here. We are waiting for more creative ideas and sparkles in the communicative process!


Previous Columns


Cultural Digest


In this column, we have analyzed cultural practices along with the latest media trends, aiming to insightfully detect the hidden ideologies that are taken as natural in the consumption of culture. We do not merely paraphrase the lectures and uncritically follow the existed theoretical framework, but persvere in digging out the intertextuality between IC theories to the case study of our lives and make it closer to the ground.


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Previous articles of


1.《Moral Panic》:通过对moral panic五个步骤的深入解读,探索热点背后,带领读者思考是什么制造了社会恐慌的全民高潮

5 steps of the 'moral panic' theoretical framework - Are we just the mob whose reactions can be easily predicted and manipulated?

2. 《谁说这届Audience不行》:浅谈author theory与participate culture,探讨观众的作用与艺术作品的真实归属

Whether art belongs to the artist or constituted by the broader social context?

3. 《未来“公共领域”物语》:大胆构想public sphere的存在,解密公共领域无法存在的缘由,探索理性,自由和社会的平衡与和谐的所需条件

A letter from the future to describe a dysutopian future of the totality accepted and detaching people from the agency to submit to the imposed norm of 'political participation' and social agreement, even political correctness.

4.《culture industry 存活指南》:通过两位导演的自白进一步深化解读“文化异化”的浮世绘景象,略探金碧辉煌的文化流水线。

How are we alienate from ourselves?

How are we extracted, exhausted and impoverished when targeted and fed by the commodified and industrialized 'culture'?

The Frankfurt School gives their answer...


By analyzing the Knowledge Gap Theory and cultural capital, did this article attempt to identify the role played by culture and suggest the modernity to carefully retrospect the interrelations between the self, culture and class.


Is journalism dead under the shadow of power, capital, or the deteriorated humanities manifested in aspects such as poverty porn pitfalls?


Governmentality played in the construction of the Egyptian pyramid. This article comes from Walden, a distinguished IC student.



This column focuses on the latest media trend and figures——Also critically evaluates the factors contributing to their success.


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Previous articles of column



The dramatized humour is born in the contradiction between the pursuit and dilemma——Through the popular Bilibili channel "Drama Queen Mudan" and his hard acting journey, we analyzed the common paradox of Chinese drama play discipline dominated by capital and lacking creativity.


From the view of a UNNCer, we analyzed the cultural practice of constructing identities in the video blog producing process.


The dissasociative identity disorder has evoked public's rather bizzare passion of escaping the reality of mundane by creating dozens of the self images encapsulated in oneself. However, is this kind of disrespectful parody practicable and how does this blindfolded media trend actually hurt the DID patients? How to recognize and critically view the stigma with its broader social context of psychological issues?



1)   擅长微信推文文案撰写,有过微信公众号运营经验者优先

2)  或 对国际传播学学术理论有着浓厚兴趣;在校IC学术成绩优异;或对热点敏感、广泛涉猎传媒、媒体分析独到且有一定深度。

3)   或 掌握基础平面设计或视频制作技术

1) Good at writing official documents and announcements (students with rich experiences of managing official Wechat accounts are preferred)

2) Deeply interested in International Communications (media studies) or dedicate to academic self-improvements (senior students who have achieved distinguished marks are preferred in tryouts); Pay much attention to media trends; good at writing insightful media analysis.

3) Have commands of basic graphic design and video editing skills.

Communicate Your Dream



Please scan the QRcode to apply for the Spring Recruitment of ICV!

The application deadline is 23:59 on Feb 24th~!

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Your IC Voice and Choice

文案 | 蔡方宇 董志刚 胡紫晨

翻译 | 胡紫晨

排版 | 吕风格 张会宁

封面图制作 | 张振寰

推文内容海报制作 | 蓝伊旎