Wrap bamCorrelate from deeptools in a stage. It is useful in a lot projects to quickly check if, for instance, the replicates are well behaved. In the RNA-seq pipeline DEseq2 takes care of this, but this doesn't apply for small RNA-seq or even ChiP-seq pipelines (as fas I know).
Keep it simple for now and just do the default (bin) options. Later add the regions correlation conditional to a GTF being provided in the essential.vars.
Wrap bamCorrelate from deeptools in a stage. It is useful in a lot projects to quickly check if, for instance, the replicates are well behaved. In the RNA-seq pipeline DEseq2 takes care of this, but this doesn't apply for small RNA-seq or even ChiP-seq pipelines (as fas I know).
Keep it simple for now and just do the default (bin) options. Later add the regions correlation conditional to a GTF being provided in the essential.vars.