imbs-hl / ranger

A Fast Implementation of Random Forests
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Allow for random splits in regression #87

Closed jakob-r closed 7 years ago

jakob-r commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately i cannot find a source for how this is done in practice and how it benchmarks but two ways of implementing it would be:

For one tree the optimal split for a feature X is between a and b.

  1. Set the split point on a fixed but randomly drawn value between a and b
  2. Save both values a and b and in each prediction draw the split point randomly between a and b

For 1. and 2. the regression will be smoother then with a fixed split point (a+b)/2. This is the main benefit! For one prediction 1. and 2. would not make a difference. Multiple predictions on the same random forest model will lead to different predictions with 2. but to always the same with 1. Version 1. is probably computationally faster and easier to implement.

I opt for 1.

mnwright commented 8 years ago

Option 1 would be Extremely randomised trees, right? Another alternative would be to randomly draw from all values of a feature X in a node, instead of drawing between a and b.

What is done in extraTrees?

jakob-r commented 8 years ago

No. According to my understanding in extremly randomised trees there is no such thing as a and b. According to the linked paper it just looks at K completely randomly drawn split points from the feature X. I proposed to find the optimal split point like it is the norm. But since we don't know (for regression) for the real data if the split is closer to a or b we just draw it randomly between a and b. But thinking further I can see that this might not minimize the rmse as much as s = (a+b)/2

rfcv commented 8 years ago

This comment was moved here on request of @mnwright :

I think that the greatest improvement to ranger would be to allow for an implementation of the extra trees, also known as extremely randomized trees algorithm. The addition of options method = "extratrees" and numRandomCuts = x to ranger() would make ranger the only algorithm anyone needs for random forests due to its speed, memory efficiency, and flexibility with the additional splitting method. It would take some quick changes to the tree.cpp files, but I don't think the addition of the extra trees method would be very difficult to add.

jakob-r commented 8 years ago

I have to add that obviously extremly randomised trees will still lead to a smoother regression and hence make my proposal maybe redundant.

jakob-r commented 8 years ago

I have to post here again to emphasize how great it would be to have extremly randomised trees in ranger. I used extraTrees for a small study on model based optimization and it appears to be really promising. Unfortunately the development of extraTrees seems to be discontinued. So it is unlikely that they will add the possibility to have categorical features although the algorithm as proposed in the paper you linked has ways to deal with it. It would be awesome if we can work something out for ranger!

mnwright commented 8 years ago

Just to make sure I got extraTrees right (I've not read the paper in detail):

Is this right?

More questions:

jakob-r commented 8 years ago

The random split points are drawn from a continuous uniform distribution between a and b, where a and b are the minimal and maximal covariate values in the current node.

Yes. K split points are randomly drawn from [a_min, b_max]

For categorical covariate, a random subset of all covariate values in the current node is drawn, a second subset of all covariate values not in the current node is drawn. The union of these two subsets is assigned to one child node.

Yes and this is done K times and the union that led to the best score is selected as the split.

Could we used the ordering approach (see #36) for categorical predictors instead of the proposed approach in extraTrees?

You mean:

In "The elements of Statistical Learning" in chapter 9.2.4 ( they suggest to order unordered variables in case of binary outcomes, by there appearances in outcome class 1. Similarly in the regression case (and possibly this could be also applied in the multiclass case by some similarity approach).

Well this is a very special case and will break multiclass support? I would prefer the extremely randomized trees version.

Do we also need the other approach (draw split values randomly out of covariate values) or is the a/b approach just better?

With "a/b approach" you mean to randomly select between the a and b as I described in my first post? I am actually curoious to benchmark that against the runif(a_min, b_max) approach from the paper.

PhilippPro commented 8 years ago

Well this is a very special case and will break multiclass support? I would prefer the extremely randomized trees version.

It is not a very special case, in the binary case it is equivalent, to the normal approach in randomForest but much faster. It has nothing to do with extratrees, I think, cause the splits in extratrees are generating two random subsets of the available categories of a variable.

mnwright commented 7 years ago

I have implemented the extraTrees approach, see #137. Use splitrule = "extratrees" and num.random.splits = X.

In the description for categorical features I couldn't find the size of the subsets to draw. Currently, this size is chosen randomly, too. It seems in the extraTrees R package the method for categorical features is not implemented.

If I read the doc of extraTrees right, they are not using bagging by default, but one can chose subagging with the option subsetSizes. Right? Are there any other differences to standard RF in their approach?

@jakob-r: Could you please test my implementation before I merge it in the master?

jakob-r commented 7 years ago

Wow. Really cool that you implemented it! I will test it out as soon as I can.

Exactly. I also noted that extraTrees did not support categorical features. And as far as I understand the doc you are right. The subsetGroups and subsetSizes seem to be motivated for balancing unevenly distributed classes. The original paper says the following

It is used several times with the (full) original learning sample to generate an ensemble model (we denote by M the number of trees of this ensemble)

Regarding the size of the subset for categorical splits I am clueless as well. Where is the original implementation of the paper? Can we just ask the authors?

mnwright commented 7 years ago

I've asked Pierre Geurts (first author of the paper). His answer (with kind permission):

Dear Marvin,

Thank you for your interest in Extremely randomized trees. In my code, the sets A1 and A2 are determined as follows:

  • For A1, I simply pick a random integer uniformly between 1 and 2^n-2, where n is the size of the As set, and use the bits of the resulting integer to decide whether a value in As is included in A1 or not. This ensures that I will not pick an empty or a full subset.
  • For A2, I flip a (fair) coin for each value to decide whether or not to include it in A2 (since A2 can be empty or full).

If the number of values in As is very large, I sample A1 similarly as A2 (and I retry in case I obtain by chance an empty or full subset).

This is not equivalent to your sampling mechanism. I give equal chance to all subsets while you give equal chance to all subset sizes. Unfortunately, I have no idea which sampling mechanism should work best in practice. I must confess that I have not done many experiments with categorical features.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


Following Pierre's argument, in the current approach the extreme partitions are preferred over balanced partitions because there are fewer possibilities.

I think we should implement both methods, do a simple comparison and decide for one method.

jakob-r commented 7 years ago

Nice to get a quick and helpful answer!

So Pierres approach A2 is not as extremely random as yours from my understanding because in A2 there is a tendency that both subsets contain an equal amount of classes so we should favour your method?

I'm a bit afraid that to answer which method is better is not answered by "a simple comparison" because we don't know how the data influences the result and what data is really representative. So the usual problems... But maybe we can find a theoretical motivation? :thinking:

In the end we don't want the user to have again another parameter he has to think about. So we can just mimic the extraTrees behavior and be happy or we take a bit of effort and make an bigger study that might lead to a helpful paper?

Personally I think it's interesting enough to have both options available (in a developer version of ranger?).

mnwright commented 7 years ago

Yes, that's another interpretation. ;) The current approach selects each partition size with equal probability, Pierre's approach selects each partition with equal probability.

Following the argument of Ishwaran (2015), extreme cutpoints are actually a good thing, particularly for noisy data. One could therefore prefer the current method...

I agree we shouldn't have another tuning parameter. I will add Pierre's approach to the developer version but we should select one before merging in the master.

In summary I think we should use Pierre's method to have the original method of "extremely randomised trees", as proposed in his paper, unless there is strong evidence that the current approach is better.

mnwright commented 7 years ago

I have added Pierre's approach. Use splitrule = "extratrees" for the old method and splitrule = "extratrees2" to select Pierre's approach.

I couldn't resist to do a simple comparison and Pierre's approach was better, at least for a regression outcome.

mnwright commented 7 years ago

Changed to Pierre's original method, removed old method and merged.

jakob-r commented 7 years ago

Perfect! So from my side this can be closed. Will come back at you as soon as we have some interesting results ;)