imfatant / test

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RE: Info. and Ideas for ArduCopter-3.5.5/BeagleBone Blue... #4

Closed silver2row closed 6 years ago

silver2row commented 6 years ago


Init APM:Copter V3.5.5 (27229c83)

Free RAM: 262144
FW Ver: 120

Sensor failure: Baro: unable to initialise driver
Segmentation fault

I just ran my arducopter software for the first time, i.e. sort of. Anyway, I received this errror.


I know that I may have to use a real IP address instead of what the people told us to use, e.g. I am typing this b/c the is what I have been using to sign on for years now.


Should I recompile my arducopter version from 3.5.5 to another version or should I look to another source for what could be the issue?


P.S. If you have dealt w/ this info. from above, please allow me some input. I will keep plugging at it. Thank you for any insight.

silver2row commented 6 years ago

Hello...I am reverting back to arducopter-3_5_4 like you have stated in your info. on /test.


lttng-ust          not found
libiio                not found
benchmarks     disabled

This info. is some of the info. that stood out to me after the cmd of sudo ./waf configure --board=blue

I tried a new IP address too.


P.S. If you have any ideas as to what may be causing my confusion on this subject, please chime in. Thank you.

silver2row commented 6 years ago

Hello Once More,

Look...I know it may seem like I am bothering you. I am sorry for that idea but I have some viable concerns and no outlets/resources. Please view what I have come across w/ 3.5.4 instead of 3.5.5.

Sensor failure: Baro: unable to initialise driver
Segmentation fault

I cannot get the system to start. Instead, it provides these errors codes. I am off to look up these issues.


P.S. I will update you further in the future.

imfatant commented 6 years ago

Hi Seth,

The 'Sensor failure: Baro: unable to initialise driver' error is weird. Occasionally people get dud boards.

That is not a v3.5.5 or a v3.5.4 ArduCopter issue. I've never seen it myself. You could ask on gitter? I vaguely recall someone having a similar thing happen with the IMU seg faulting.

By the way, I'm running v3.5.5 at the moment. It's fine. I believe that's what's shown in the guide.

The compilation method I outline in the guide does work. I checked yesterday. I'm afraid those errors are very strange..


silver2row commented 6 years ago


No issue. I will try to plug at it some more.
