imfing / pile

:zap: A simple & powerful app to organize your piled work at one place~
GNU General Public License v3.0
166 stars 15 forks source link

Let user specify location for the data #12

Closed pcause closed 6 years ago

pcause commented 6 years ago

Can you add something so that I can specify a directory where you'll store my "piles"? If you do this then there are any number of sync'ing tools that users can use to backup their data and copy to multiple machines.

imfing commented 6 years ago

@pcause Hi, thank you. A good idea to give users the right to choose their data storage path. I'll see if I could make it robust enough so there won't be any unpredictable things happen. You can expect this functionality to come in the near future. 😃

valdotdev commented 6 years ago

Would this also mean that when I set the location (mac version) on my dropbox, after it syncs I can use the same location and use it on my Windows machine? I understand changes won't be real-time but just sayin' :wink:

imfing commented 6 years ago

You can customize your storage path with