imgflo / imgflo-server

HTTP image processing server based on imgflo
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Performance regression Nov 12 #107

Open jonnor opened 7 years ago

jonnor commented 7 years ago

imgflo-gegl-0 3 10-slower

Likely this is from when we updated to BABL 0.1.20 (from 0.1.18) / GEGL 0.3.10 (from 0.3.6).

jonnor commented 7 years ago

The distribution of processing time has changed. It has stretched out considerably, which explains percentiles increasing and average shifting upwards. It is also become bimodal instead of the nicely uniform distribution of before. imgflo-gegl-0 3 10-processingtimes

jonnor commented 7 years ago

Average processing time went from 2.97 seconds to 4.5 seconds, a +50% increase.

jonnor commented 7 years ago

More worrysome is that 90% percentile is up to 8 seconds from 4.5 seconds. This significantly impacts our ability to guarantee timely delivery in all cases.

jonnor commented 7 years ago

Images which were downscaled a lot were over twice as slow, images which was not downscaled a lot were ctually a little bit faster. imgflo-gegl-0 3 10-outputsizediffs

jonnor commented 7 years ago

Also for big images which were not downscaled so much shows much smaller change. This supports @hodefoting theory that this is mostly about the improved downscaling, which now takes more input pixels into account. imgflo-gegl-0 3 10-biginputs-lowdownscale