This PR creates static _buildURL and _buildSrcSet methods on the imgix client. These methods allow absolute URLs to be formatted for use with the imgix client.
*`_buildURL` static method allows full URLs to be formatted for use with
* imgix.
* - If the source URL has included parameters, they are merged with
* the `params` passed in as an argument.
* - URL must match `{host}/{pathname}?{query}` otherwise an error is thrown.
* _buildSrcSet static method allows full URLs to be used when generating
* imgix formatted `srcset` string values.
* - If the source URL has included parameters, they are merged with
* the `params` passed in as an argument.
* - URL must match `{host}/{pathname}?{query}` otherwise an error is thrown.
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This PR creates static
methods on the imgix client. These methods allow absolute URLs to be formatted for use with the imgix client.