[ ] Update or add any necessary API documentation (if applicable)
[ ] All existing unit tests are still passing (if applicable).
[ ] Add some steps so we can test your bug fix or feature (if applicable).
[ ] Add new passing unit tests to cover the code introduced by your PR (if applicable).
[ ] Any breaking changes are specified on the commit on which they are introduced with BREAKING CHANGE in the body of the commit.
[ ] If this is a big feature with breaking changes, consider opening an issue to discuss first. This is completely up to you, but please keep in mind that your PR might not be accepted.
Commit-Lint commands
You can trigger Commit-Lint actions by commenting on this PR:
- `@Commit-Lint merge patch` will merge dependabot PR on "patch" versions (X.X.Y - Y change)
- `@Commit-Lint merge minor` will merge dependabot PR on "minor" versions (X.Y.Y - Y change)
- `@Commit-Lint merge major` will merge dependabot PR on "major" versions (Y.Y.Y - Y change)
- `@Commit-Lint merge disable` will desactivate merge dependabot PR
- `@Commit-Lint review` will approve dependabot PR
- `@Commit-Lint stop review` will stop approve dependabot PR
in the body of the commit.