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【转】如何在 gRPC 中使用自定义 metadata #28

Open imjoey opened 6 years ago

imjoey commented 6 years ago



在 gRPC 中自定义 metadata 可用于传输定制数据,如可添加 X-B3-**** 用于分布式调用追踪系统 Zipkin 等。


gRPC supports sending metadata between client and server. This doc shows how to send and receive metadata in gRPC-go.


Four kinds of service method:

And concept of metadata.

Constructing metadata

A metadata can be created using package metadata. The type MD is actually a map from string to a list of strings:

type MD map[string][]string

Metadata can be read like a normal map. Note that the value type of this map is []string, so that users can attach multiple values using a single key.

Creating a new metadata

A metadata can be created from a map[string]string using function New:

md := metadata.New(map[string]string{"key1": "val1", "key2": "val2"})

Another way is to use Pairs. Values with the same key will be merged into a list:

md := metadata.Pairs(
    "key1", "val1",
    "key1", "val1-2", // "key1" will have map value []string{"val1", "val1-2"}
    "key2", "val2",

Note: all the keys will be automatically converted to lowercase, so "key1" and "kEy1" will be the same key and their values will be merged into the same list. This happens for both New and Pairs.

Storing binary data in metadata

In metadata, keys are always strings. But values can be strings or binary data. To store binary data value in metadata, simply add "-bin" suffix to the key. The values with "-bin" suffixed keys will be encoded when creating the metadata:

md := metadata.Pairs(
    "key", "string value",
    "key-bin", string([]byte{96, 102}), // this binary data will be encoded (base64) before sending
                                        // and will be decoded after being transferred.

Retrieving metadata from context

Metadata can be retrieved from context using FromIncomingContext:

func (s *server) SomeRPC(ctx context.Context, in *pb.SomeRequest) (*pb.SomeResponse, err) {
    md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
    // do something with metadata

Sending and receiving metadata - client side

Sending metadata

To send metadata to server, the client can wrap the metadata into a context using NewOutgoingContext, and make the RPC with this context:

md := metadata.Pairs("key", "val")

// create a new context with this metadata
ctx := metadata.NewOutgoingContext(context.Background(), md)

// make unary RPC
response, err := client.SomeRPC(ctx, someRequest)

// or make streaming RPC
stream, err := client.SomeStreamingRPC(ctx)

To read this back from the context on the client (e.g. in an interceptor) before the RPC is sent, use FromOutgoingContext.

Receiving metadata

Metadata that a client can receive includes header and trailer.

Unary call

Header and trailer sent along with a unary call can be retrieved using function Header and Trailer in CallOption:

var header, trailer metadata.MD // variable to store header and trailer
r, err := client.SomeRPC(
    grpc.Header(&header),    // will retrieve header
    grpc.Trailer(&trailer),  // will retrieve trailer

// do something with header and trailer

Streaming call

For streaming calls including:

Header and trailer can be retrieved from the returned stream using function Header and Trailer in interface ClientStream:

stream, err := client.SomeStreamingRPC(ctx)

// retrieve header
header, err := stream.Header()

// retrieve trailer
trailer := stream.Trailer()

Sending and receiving metadata - server side

Receiving metadata

To read metadata sent by the client, the server needs to retrieve it from RPC context. If it is a unary call, the RPC handler's context can be used. For streaming calls, the server needs to get context from the stream.

Unary call

func (s *server) SomeRPC(ctx context.Context, in *pb.someRequest) (*pb.someResponse, error) {
    md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(ctx)
    // do something with metadata

Streaming call

func (s *server) SomeStreamingRPC(stream pb.Service_SomeStreamingRPCServer) error {
    md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(stream.Context()) // get context from stream
    // do something with metadata

Sending metadata

Unary call

To send header and trailer to client in unary call, the server can call SendHeader and SetTrailer functions in module grpc. These two functions take a context as the first parameter. It should be the RPC handler's context or one derived from it:

func (s *server) SomeRPC(ctx context.Context, in *pb.someRequest) (*pb.someResponse, error) {
    // create and send header
    header := metadata.Pairs("header-key", "val")
    grpc.SendHeader(ctx, header)
    // create and set trailer
    trailer := metadata.Pairs("trailer-key", "val")
    grpc.SetTrailer(ctx, trailer)

Streaming call

For streaming calls, header and trailer can be sent using function SendHeader and SetTrailer in interface ServerStream:

func (s *server) SomeStreamingRPC(stream pb.Service_SomeStreamingRPCServer) error {
    // create and send header
    header := metadata.Pairs("header-key", "val")
    // create and set trailer
    trailer := metadata.Pairs("trailer-key", "val")