imju / tweeter

ios twitter app
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Issue with iPhoneSimulator #1

Open imju opened 10 years ago

imju commented 10 years ago

/cc @timothy1ee

I have weird issue with my project. It only showed old code created a while back in other project. Short history, I copied codes from the old repo to new repo and new code is not still reflected and breakpoint does not stop at my code and ignored on new project code when it runs on iPhone Simulator.

The reason that i think it still calls old code is that in the following code, I changed the title to 'Tweeter' but simulator shows 'Twitter'. What could be wrong here? Please help.

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Can you try resetting your simulator? Just click on the simulator and in one of the menus, there is an option to reset the data.

Also, in XCode, can you try cleaning your project?

imju commented 10 years ago

Hi Tim, That's it. I created multiple (6) twitter projects and after authentication, it went to old twitter project because registered app code metadata was only with first one. So, I deleted previous ones with reset then I set the app code for the ones that I am working on. Viola, now breakpoint is working! Thanks!

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago
