imju / tweeter

ios twitter app
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Week3 Assignment Twitter Client #2

Open imju opened 10 years ago

imju commented 10 years ago

/cc @timothy1ee

Hi Tim,

I finished the project. I still need to polish UI and need some minor adjustment but basic functionality is working. I didn't pay attention to ui or layout. I will try it out after looking at group project.

Instruction In order to complete the tweet, in compose screen, please click 'Tweet' then alert will ask for action. For retweet, favorite, there is no visual response. I may need to change the icon so to show the status.

One issue, haven't tested where it goes back to after reply, timeline view or twit view? I don't know. Honestly I was just happy to see that composer came up. It should be able to update. I will check it out later.
No bonus implementation. Thanks! Imju

timothy1ee commented 10 years ago

Imju, sorry for the delayed review.

The main takeaways for this homework were:

Here's my checklist of things I'm looking at when I'm reviewing this project.