immadisairaj / CodeforcesApp

An android application which uses Codeforces Api.
Apache License 2.0
15 stars 7 forks source link

hactoberfest #31

Closed DheerajMalisetty closed 4 years ago

DheerajMalisetty commented 4 years ago

Fixes #[Add issue number here. Note: This will automatically close the issue. If you do not solve the issue entirely, please change the message e.g. "First steps for issues #IssueNumber]


[Add here what changes were made in this issue and if possible provide links.]

Please make sure these boxes are checked before submitting your pull request - thank you!

Please add screenshots/GIFs here if there are any changes to the UI below.

immadisairaj commented 4 years ago

@DheerajMalisetty can I know which issue does this fix?