immense / Remotely

A remote control and remote scripting solution, built with .NET 8, Blazor, and SignalR.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.28k stars 1.6k forks source link


Open maxulm opened 2 weeks ago

maxulm commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, do you have any plans implementing an SSO-authentication via oauth?

Regards Max

DanielH00 commented 2 weeks ago


I have heard that someone else is now taking care of the Remotely project, wait and see, maybe that will come at some point.

Regards Daniel

bitbound commented 7 hours ago


I have heard that someone else is now taking care of the Remotely project, wait and see, maybe that will come at some point.

Regards Daniel

Nope. Still just me! 😁