immerjs / immer

Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one
MIT License
27.34k stars 844 forks source link

🎉🎉 Who is using `immer`? 🎉🎉 #284

Open mweststrate opened 5 years ago

mweststrate commented 5 years ago

With roughly two million downloads per months, there must be a lot of big and small companies using this package. Please share your success stories!

  1. Which company?
  2. Logo would be cool! (it implies that it is o.k. to publicly share that your company is using this project, otherwise leave it out)
  3. What kind of project? How large? (code base size or team size)
  4. If your project is open source or public, please share a link!

If you would consider providing long term support through donations that would be great! Open collective or Paypal (please mention immer in the comments both cases)

n10v commented 5 years ago

@mweststrate Firstly I want to say huge thanks for your library. The writing of redux reducers is much easier and faster with immer 🤤

A little bit about us:

  1. Campusjäger
  2. image
  3. Headhunting service for students. There are about 55 people in our company:
scriby commented 5 years ago

There's a few projects at Google using immer in Angular + ngrx apps (I'm working on one of them). I can't remember which ones are publicly launched, but if you're curious I can look into it some more.

dimaqq commented 5 years ago
  1. HENNGE K.K.
  2. hennge-logo
  3. Admin UI for our largest product
  4. not yet released
Noitidart commented 5 years ago

AWS is using immer in services.

fwh1990 commented 5 years ago

I am using immer for redux. That's cool. Thank you very much.

cenkce commented 4 years ago

Our product is in development and when we release it then I will send details. By the way I like it.

turadg commented 4 years ago

At Quizlet we've adopted Immer as a replacement for ImmutableJS. Main reasons were that we kept running up against static typing problems and that it seems to be unmaintained.


400K+ LoC in TypeScript frontend

sergej-s commented 4 years ago

At Staffmatch we’re working on a new redesigned app where immerjs is heavily used both for redux and useState. I have no words to express how awesome it is, how it eases working with any state and optimizations. Complex table - easy; dropdown, date picker to work smoothly in IE11 - not a problem. So thank you a lot for making such a beauty!

  1. Staffmatch
  2. Logo
  3. Temporary work service; about 10 devs, 3 front.
  4. New app isn't released yet.
jfamousket commented 4 years ago

At MESHLE we are using immer for the latest version of our app which was completely rewritten in typescript. We had to ditch immutablejs for immer considering how difficult it is to use immutablejs with static types. Thanks alot for the lib :clap:

  2. ic_launcher
  3. App for MESHLE IOT device management
uicowboy commented 4 years ago

At Course Hero we have started to use Immer on new React apps, where it is helping us simplify updates to complex state objects and increase the maintainability of the codebase.

Course Hero logo

csvan commented 4 years ago

Volvo Group Connected Solutions uses Immer in all our major React+Redux projects, for example

MPanahandeh commented 4 years ago we are using in our digital retailing apps.

idandagan1 commented 4 years ago

At we are using Immer in most of our projects :)


keremcubuk commented 4 years ago

React Native Boilerplate is using immer :)


Kiran554 commented 4 years ago

Amazon uses it!

dimaqq commented 4 years ago

Redux docs now appear to recommend immer ⇒

cenkce commented 4 years ago uses immerjs

cjke commented 3 years ago

Hello! Thanks for the awesome library!

  1. ImaWakatta - learn Japanese the fun and interactive way

  2. logo-label-color-lg_1

  3. Small team (Myself as the dev and a few content authors). Code wise I would say medium? We moved from Redux to Immer + hooks, which greatly simplified everything.

  4. (soft launched, still working out some kinks)

markatlish commented 3 years ago

We're using Immer to build, a workplace management platform for safe offices and flexible teams.

Product:Workplace Management for a Safe Return to Office Company: Screenshot:

Worksphere: Workplace Management for Safe and Flexible Teams

ynahmany commented 3 years ago

at cylus we are using immer to solve complex state updates. logo_tag_b

AndrewJakubowicz commented 3 years ago

Immer is awesome! Used it to implement an undo system in my small puzzle game (made as a hobby). Link to game:

wdfinch commented 3 years ago

We use it all the time! I love immer. We build software for giant enterprise companies like ADP, paychex, HP, and more. Never have had an issue with immer.

omerman commented 2 years ago

I use it whenever I use React. I always prefer seeing state changes using this great tool instead of the ugly spread objects... ;) Thanks again for the amazing work!

shreeharsha-factly commented 2 years ago

We are using immer in redux.

ram2408 commented 2 years ago

Recently worked with immer, really a great library that compliment working with react, redux :)

geekact commented 2 years ago

I'm using immer in redux, thank u very much.

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DoyinDimeji commented 2 weeks ago

1) Plap 2) logo-512x512 3) A hub for everything events. Currently just 2 devs haha. 4)