immerrr / lua-mode

Emacs major mode for editing Lua
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Some suggestions for future development #149

Open atomontage opened 4 years ago

atomontage commented 4 years ago

I may tackle some of these myself, assuming I find some free time, but in the meantime I thought it'd be useful if I posted a list of things that annoy me here (maybe others can strike some of these off):

-    (lua-send-string lua-process-init-code)
+    (lua-send-string (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" " " lua-process-init-code)
immerrr commented 4 years ago

Hey, sorry for the delay... your suggestions make sense.

compilation-shell-minor mode usage should be completely optional

yes, a configuration parameter should help, right?

comint-prompt-regexp should be set inside lua-start-process, with setq-local.

ouch, yes, definitely!

There is no reason for lua-process-init-code to be this convoluted.

Yep, we can actually move that part out of the lisp source and put it into scripts/ directory which is now part of the lua-mode package: And the replace-regexp-in-string part might get just a little bit more complicated, because a stray #! shebang or a -- comment may ruin the day if all newlines are replaced with spaces blindly.

The current way that the code is sent to the process is too convoluted and breaks with process-send-string limits. Temporary files are a kludge and don't work over sockets.

Temporary files are indeed not quite portable, that's why I removed the temporary files-based approach when I started working on lua-mode and was reluctant to add it back.

Regarding reading io:read from luamode_loadstring, I would prefer not to mess with IO file descriptors more than necessary, because it's easy to step on someone else's toes or to break compatibility with some obscure lua runtime. That said, I am not entirely against it, it may work. One suggestion from the get go is to consider building the "protocol" around newlines to minimize the amount of remote initialization, because AFAIR Lua does not support "reading until delimiter" out of the box unless the delimiter is a newline ("*line")).

Another option would be to implement the "protocol" as a multi-part interface in which lua-mode itself would send the command in parts

luamode_multipart_start() -- notify that the command is going to be sent in parts
luamode_multipart_add(part_of_the_command) -- send part1
luamode_multipart_add(part_of_the_command) -- send part2
luamode_multipart_run() -- combine parts on remote side and execute them all

Go one step further, and get rid of the `lineno' kludge by splitting the output from the process into normal output and error output on top of the previously mentioned protocol.

It may work, but I'd really like to discuss the implementation before it is done, because it could prove to be a significant effort and I don't want it to go to waste because of not being on the same page.