immersive-web / administrivia

A repo for managing the adminstrative tasks of the Immersive Web Group.
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Publish page detailing WebXR logo licensing and usage #202

Open toji opened 1 year ago

toji commented 1 year ago

There was a recent email thread asking about what license the WebXR logo was under and I was a little dismayed to find that we didn't seem to have any authoritative documentation of that? (Or if we do I couldn't find it.) I think that the assumption is that it's available for fairly permissive use such as a Creative Commons license, but we should make that explicit. Additionally, I was also having trouble finding the original SVGs for some of the logo variants, like the black and white outline, and would like to have them available from a common place.

For WebGPU we put together this W3C page which hosts canonical versions of several variations of the logos, as well as crediting the designer and clearly stating (very permissive) license and usage terms. I would love to have a similar page that we could point to for the WebXR logo for anyone looking to use it.

Would be good to get feedback on this from @diekus-zz, but for some reason I can't assign it to him?

AdaRoseCannon commented 1 year ago

Sorry I meant to follow up I chatted to Diego at TPAC he said it was CC0 :)

toji commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Thanks for confirming that!

Now lets get it down in easily linkable writing somewhere. :smile:

AdaRoseCannon commented 1 year ago

There is an SVG on, but i should do a page with the variants up there too, I don't have SVGs of the variants like the outline.

toji commented 1 year ago

I thought I did somewhere but I've been having an awful time finding it. I'll look some more (maybe on my personal PC?) and let you know if I dig it up.

AdaRoseCannon commented 1 year ago

if you find it can you stick it somewhere in the repo?

toji commented 1 year ago

OH! Of COURSE I find it 30 seconds after telling you I can't find it... :roll_eyes:


AdaRoseCannon commented 1 year ago

it's always the way :)

DR-xR commented 1 year ago

Releasing any logo as CCO allows anyone to use it for any purpose. At that point, it tends to use its effectiveness as a mark that identifies a product (does not need to be commercial). It is even allowed for someone to make a slight variation and trademark it for something else (e.g., darts). I suggest that the copyright be retained (if at all possible). It can be licensed in some manner that allows its use in a variety of manners.