immersive-web / anchors
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Question: will the spec support other APIs creating Anchors and handing them back? #52

Open blairmacintyre opened 4 years ago

blairmacintyre commented 4 years ago

The current spec, as written, is very explicit about not addressing the need to have "things" (that can be sensed and tracked by the underlying platform) associated with Anchors. It focuses on providing an API to create Anchors from hit tests and absolute poses.

But eventually we will want to have "things" tracked in the world, and Anchors would be the right way to do that.

My reading of the proposed spec doesn't rule this out, it simply makes it beyond the current scope. Which is good, and fine.

I am asking here: am I reading this correctly? Is there something in the spec that I'm not catching that would prevent Anchors from being created by some future API (or extension to this API)? I just want to make sure.

bialpio commented 4 years ago

That's the correct way to read the spec. I hope there's nothing in the current draft that would prevent us from extending it to create anchors out of other (possibly moving) entities in the future. If there is some wording that prevents us from doing that, it should be treated as a mistake & it will have to be re-phrased.