immersive-web / cardboard-vr-display

A JavaScript implementation of a WebVR 1.1 VRDisplay
Apache License 2.0
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[Question] Lences wide: #37

Closed konstantin55000 closed 4 years ago

konstantin55000 commented 4 years ago

Hello, sorry for posting here in issue thread.

konstantin55000 commented 4 years ago

i really need this answer for quesion: if there any possibility to change lence device frame , eq make lence frame x2 wider with the same height, but to preserve lence from distortion. Also viewport and canvas width should not be toched, just to simple reason : objects must be not distorted (not appear wider than needed). Please look at this screenshot here white cursor is whider (ellypse form, need to stay circle), but lence should be this wide (width *2) I've looked through most methods inside cardborad-vr-display and webvr-polyfill, but yet not found solution. How it can be achieved?

konstantin55000 commented 4 years ago

Has been kinda figured: added into DeviceInfo.prototype.getLeftEyeVisibleScreenRect = function (undistortedFrustum) { var viewer = this.viewer; var device = this.device; var dist = viewer.screenLensDistance; var eyeX = (device.widthMeters - viewer.interLensDistance) / 2; .. var left = (undistortedFrustum[0] dist + eyeX) / device.widthMeters; ... return { x: left, y: bottom, width: (right - left ) viewer.lenceWidthMultiplier,
height: (top - bottom) * viewer.lenceHeightMultiplier


}; also in cardboardViewer added

function CardboardViewer(params) { this.lenceHeightMultiplier = 0.84; this.lenceWidthMultiplier = 1.5;

but maybe you' have more elegant solution. please let me know.