immersive-web / lighting-estimation

A proposal for adding lighting estimation API to WebXR Device API. Feature lead: Kip Gilbert
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Determine internal format of the Reflection Cube Map #33

Closed toji closed 3 years ago

toji commented 4 years ago

With [ARCore on Android]( the internal format of the reflection cube maps returned by the API is arrays of GL_RGBA16F values that the app is then expected to upload to a texture. On Apple's ARKit the internal format is listed as bgra8Unorm_srgb and already delivered in texture form.

How should this disparity be handled by the API? Largely WebGL can sample from either texture type without knowing the internals, but I can imagine it would make a difference in how developers would want to process the values in their shaders. Additionally, some formats (GL_RGBA16F) won't be available with WebGL 1 without several extensions enabled. Given that, it seems like we have a few options for how to approach this:

  1. Allow each platform to return it's native format without alteration, probably with an attribute to advertise what the internal format is and make developers just deal with it. If the format isn't supported by the current context just fail. Lowest impact for performance but hardest to deal with for developers.
  2. Allow each platform to return it's native format unless the format isn't supported by the current context, in which case convert it to something that is supported.
  3. Force all platforms to report the same format, in which case one platform is likely to get screwed in terms of performance and possibly numeric accuracy.
  4. Support multiple formats and allow the developer to request their desired one, indicating which format is ideal for the given platform. Would allow developers to avoid conversions if they want to do the work, but would probably require ALL platforms to implement internal conversions for at least once case.
kearwood commented 4 years ago

I'm feeling best about #4, with two options to be requested -- Either 16-bit HDR based values, or 8-bit SRGB space values.

The Firefox implementations will be performing post-processing (temporal and spatial) on the textures returned by the OS to reduce profiling and fingerprinting. (eg, avoiding side-channel attacks via timing of quickly changing brightness values). I would imagine other browsers may need to also process this data, costing at least one blit into the cubemap per update. This isn't expected to happen every frame; however, so hopefully would not be as impactful on performance.

I do imagine that many sites will not wish to implement an HDR workflow, represented by 16-bit values, but rather like a simple reflection cube in SRGB space, even if the extensions for the 16F values are present.

I'm not so certain if the browser should provide information about the underlying swizzling / RGB order. If we are requiring a blit anyways to filter the data, I would expect the browser to also conform the components to a consistent order (eg, RGB vs BGR...).

kearwood commented 4 years ago

If we went with #4, providing either 8-bit SRGB or 16-bit HDR, it would leave HDR as an option only possible with WebGL 2 or the required WebGL 1 extensions for GL_RGBA16F. We should evaluate if an 8-bit HDR option has value.

toji commented 4 years ago

Okay, I can get onboard with that. Would want to get some feedback from Apple on it, though, since I suspect the conversion process may be more painful for ARKit than with the way ARCore surfaces it's data.

Sketching out possible IDL:

// Not thrilled with these names, but reluctant to use GL enums since that would imply
// you could pass in any GL format.
enum XRReflectionCubeMapFormat {

partial interface XRWebGLBinding {
  WebGLTexture? getReflectionCubeMap(XRLightProbe lightProbe, XRReflectionCubeMapFormat format = "srgb8");
  // Necessary?
  XRReflectionCubeMapFormat preferredReflectionCubeMapFormat;
kearwood commented 4 years ago

This IDL is looking good to me. I'm also interested in Apple's take.