immersive-web / model-element

Repository for the <model> tag. Feature leads: Marcos Cáceres and Laszlo Gombos
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polyfill #63

Open trusktr opened 1 year ago

trusktr commented 1 year ago

Is there a polyfill for <model>? Keith Clark's <x-model> is similar.

I'm curious as to whether it would be more worth it for the browsers to have lower-level 3D elements, for example like a-frame, LUME (my fav :D), x3dom, then a GLTF viewing component would be a composition of the lower level elements, much like how a <input>'s ShadowRoot contains <div>s, etc.

    <mesh has="physical-material" ...>

If browsers are going to have standard rendering abilities in order to draw <model> elements, we may as well get the benefit of all the pieces as declarative HTML, so that we can manipulate them with Vue/React/Solid/Svelte/etc, and use the power of CSS, f.e.


  /* give all three meshes the same style */
  mesh {
    geometry: sphere(20 30 40); /*or something*/
    material-type: phong;
    material-opacity: 0.5;
    material-color: red;
    diffuse-map: url(path/to/texture.jpg);
    bump-map: url(path/to/bumps.jpg);
    /* or similar, etc */

  @keyframes {...} /*animate 3D styles!*/

Maybe <model> comes first, then eventually we make it have a shadow root once we have the primitives for it, much like how back in the day we could not see the shadow root of an <input> in devtools.