immersive-web / navigation

Repository for the discussion and research in to navigating from page to page whilst staying in immersive mode. Feature leads: Rik Cabanier and Brandon Jones
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API proposal #1

Closed dmarcos closed 5 years ago

dmarcos commented 5 years ago

Follow up of I would like to propose a simple minimal mechanism for UAs to grant permission to enter immersive mode. This enables in-vr navigation, allowing VR and AR content to interlink other immersive content and for UAs to implement seamless transitions. Some of the valuable use cases previously discussed:

To enable previous scenarios I can think of two different spec approaches:

  1. Implicit, without any additional API. The spec could describe scenarios where entering immersive mode is exempt of the user gesture requirement. Like for example a page navigated from another that was already presenting.

  2. sessiongranted event. UAs can fire an event that explicitly allows content to enter immersive mode. The event handler is not subject to the user gesture requirement. This is how the API could look like:

navigator.xr.addEventListener('sessiongranted', function (evt) {
   // One could check for the type of session granted.
   // Events notifies of session creation after navigation, UA action, or requestSession.
   // The session object is provided as part of this event.
   if (evt.session.mode === 'immersive-vr') {
      // set up app state for immersive vr, if that's what the app wants
   } else {
      // notify user that this app only works in immersive vr mode, if desired

The spec could also include guidelines covering scenarios where user's security and privacy can be compromised. A series of high level recommendations without getting into the specifics on how browsers would work as it's not in the spec scope

e.g: During navigation in immersive mode UAs must guide and keep the user informed at all times. Possible mechanisms are:

  1. Interstitial. When navigation occurs the UA can present the user a screen with the destination URL and a button to continue or return to previous site.
  2. Overlays. UAs control compositing and can always render information about the navigated page over content.
  3. Modal dialog. User can invoke the browser UI at all times to consult info about the current site. UAs UI can also be modal (similar to Oculus or Steam home spaces) and invoked with a reserved button or interaction that cannot be listened by content. To prevent spoofing, UAs could additionally display personal information that user can recognize and pages don't have access to (user generated doodles or environment choices)
  4. Fall back to windowed mode. Some UAs might decide to retain a more traditional flow and always fallback to windowed / 2D mode on navigation.

I recommend reading @toji explainer for additional context and previous thoughts on the topic.

I'm happy to volunteer to put together a more formal proposal after general agreement.

Ping to participants in previous conversation @AlbertoElias @blairmacintyre @cvan @lincolnfrog @modulesio @rcabanier @klausw @avaer @n5ro @kfarr @disregardfiat @AdaRoseCannon @TrevorFSmith @Artyom17

avaer commented 5 years ago

Thank you for putting this together and getting the conversation started.

Overall I agree with the approach, though I'm slightly more in favor of option 2:

blairmacintyre commented 5 years ago

I'm in favor of the sessionGranted event. I've been a proponent of supporting UA-driven methods for entering/exiting XR mode (in addition to page initiated actions) and this aligns well with that.

I would add to your items that we should carefully consider the impact of same-origin vs cross-origin permissions and guidance to implementers. If I'm at a URL and follow a link to the same origin ( -> the security is different then if I navigate to (

dmarcos commented 5 years ago

@blairmacintyre Thanks. Sorry, I forgot to add the use cases you mentioned in the other issue. Edited above to include them. Let me know if there's any other scenarios we should cover.

blairmacintyre commented 5 years ago

I think it would be good to actually create a draft doc, if you’re up for it, where we can all comment on specifics. I don’t really want to have another long discussion thread here!

It’s pretty clear that there are some things we might all agree on, and some things that will be contentious.

AlbertoElias commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot for putting this together @dmarcos!

I definitely think sessionGranted is the way to go, and I think it's a good name as well. I agree we should mention security concerns and possible solutions, but that a specific suggestion is out of scope.

I also remember from previous conversations the idea of a meta tag and/or HTTP Response Header. Browser vendors will be able to address this better, but could those optional add-ons improve performance? It does take a while to load and parse JavaScript, even more with WebXR where we probably have other libraries like Three.JS/Babylon.js/Polyfills.

I agree with @blairmacintyre that we should move this to a PR where we can comment on it better. Maybe as an update to the navigation explainer? And maybe a separate PR with the specific change to the WebXR API? Let me know what I can help with

blairmacintyre commented 5 years ago

@AlbertoElias I meant a PR on a document in this repo; it's premature to move things to the main repos until we sort out here what we can agree on!

So, create here with the proposal and submit as a PR against this repo. Could have multiple files (e.g., one that is "things that will go to navigation explainer" and one about API./)

Heck, we could just copy the navigation explainer here and then do a PR against it, here.

AlbertoElias commented 5 years ago

Yup, that's what I meant, in this repo, but maybe based on those documents

Utopiah commented 5 years ago

To confirm what was clearly discussed earlier :

cabanier commented 5 years ago

If my browser window was in fullscreen then it remains so.

That is incorrect. If you browser was in full screen, it would exit and go back to non-fullscreen mode upon a navigation

Utopiah commented 5 years ago

If you browser was in full screen, it would exit and go back to non-fullscreen mode upon a navigation

Does it? I just tried with latest Firefox, Chrome and Edge. I press F11, navigate from one link to another and remain in fullscreen. Am I doing it wrong?

cabanier commented 5 years ago

If you browser was in full screen, it would exit and go back to non-fullscreen mode upon a navigation

Does it? I just tried with latest Firefox, Chrome and Edge. I press F11, navigate from one link to another and remain in fullscreen. Am I doing it wrong?

There are different types of full screen :-) If you use the full screen API (ie full screen YouTube), it will exit that mode upon navigation If you make the browser itself fullscreen, notice how you can still see the url bar and navigation buttons.

WebXR is currently defined like the former

Utopiah commented 5 years ago

Well I think the behavior of actively entering VR or immersive mode is equivalent to pressing F11. If I consciously enable it I don't expect it to revert without me actively disabling it.

dmarcos commented 5 years ago

Continuing discussion in PR as requested

Looking forward to your feedback.