immersive-web / proposals

Initial proposals for future Immersive Web work (see README)
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FBX loader #56

Open ItIsArmin opened 4 years ago

ItIsArmin commented 4 years ago

FBX is very common and easy to export comparing to gltf. In general I wish there was a way to use third-party libraries like Three.js/Babylone.js to load and interact with objects in AR. right now you can interact to place the objects on the floor, but cant interact with the actual 3d model, for example to touch a light to turn it on or off.

toji commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for posting!

You seem to have two separate proposals here, which makes it a bit harder to discuss. In order to help us evaluate your proposals it's recommended that you take a moment to read this repo's and follow the proposal template since that ensures we have all the information needed to have a productive conversation.

Regarding FBX files specifically, one thing to be aware of is that it's a proprietary format owned by Autodesk. There are indeed many tools available that work with it, but it's proprietary nature makes it difficult to use predictably on a platform like the web. With that being said, some libraries (such as Three.js) do support FBX files directly but my understanding is that they typically only support a small subset of FBX features due to the complexity of the format. Formats like glTF are preferred for loading by the page because they are tightly scoped in terms of which features are supported, making loading them fully and correctly more practical.

It should also be noted that at this time support for any particular file format is typically considered the responsibility of the the various libraries that operate on top of WebGL and WebXR, rather than something the UA supports directly. This may change in the future, and there are similar proposals for other formats.

As for your comments about using libraries for AR, we agree! It's the responsibility of the library maintainers rather than the Immersive Web Community Group to add support for any particular use case, but we're always happy to see more immersive features make their way into popular libraries and do try to offer assistance where we can. For something like interacting with a 3D model via touch events, I'm reasonably sure that Three and Babylon can already support this directly or with only minor changes to their existing features. For example, here's documentation on how to handle various types of screen interactions with Babylon)