immersive-web / proposals

Initial proposals for future Immersive Web work (see README)
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Stereoscopic Inline Elements #60

Open AdamSobieski opened 3 years ago

AdamSobieski commented 3 years ago

Per the WebXR specification, “a session mode of inline indicates that the session’s output will be shown as an element in the HTML document. inline session content MUST be displayed in mono (i.e., with a single view). It MAY allow for viewer tracking. User agents MUST allow inline sessions to be created.”

I would like to propose for WebXR an XRSessionMode of “inline-stereo” for stereoscopic 3D elements which allow for viewer tracking. A session mode of inline-stereo would indicate that the session’s output would be shown as an element in the HTML document. inline-stereo content would be displayed in stereo (i.e., with a view for each eye) and would utilize viewer tracking.

See also:

cabanier commented 3 years ago

The WebXR spec already allows this. Please search for "Magic Window" in the repo.

AdamSobieski commented 3 years ago

@cabanier , thank you for the terminology clue of "magic window". I searched and found this: from two years ago.

A scenario of interest to me is XR user interfaces for computer algebra systems and XR environments for STEM education and collaboration. I envision users being able to graph mathematical expressions to "magic window" document elements and then being able to use their hands or input devices to pull "magic window" content from documents into XR environments to scale it and interact with it.