immersive-web / proposals

Initial proposals for future Immersive Web work (see README)
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New Proposal: HTMLModelElement #72

Closed grorg closed 2 years ago

grorg commented 2 years ago


<model> or HTMLModelElement


Details found in the explainer on WebKit's repository.

Example use cases

Also in the explainer on WebKit's repository.

A rough idea or two about implementation

WebKit on iOS and macOS has an experimental implementation behind a flag.

cabanier commented 2 years ago

Do you have any examples I can try out? Also, do I have to build WebKit myself or is this included in a public beta?

AdaRoseCannon commented 2 years ago

Repo here for continued work and discussion:

Please update as needed.

Yonet commented 2 years ago

@grorg you are also one of the repo owners. Can you accept the invite so I can tag you in PRs. I can try re-sending if you need. Also, is it OK to close this issue and continue the discussion on the model-element repo? Thanks!