immersive-web / webvr-polyfill

Use WebVR today, without requiring a special browser build.
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WebVR in mobile systems black screen in requestPresent #330

Open augedsa opened 6 years ago

augedsa commented 6 years ago


We have a very weird bug with the WebVR implementation in our System. We are trying to use webvr-polyfill library ( with our system and works great in HTC VIVE and WebVR Simulator Extension for Google Chrome. the issue is trying to call : window.vrDisplay.requestPresent([{ source: this.renderer.domElement }]); in Mobiles ( IPhone 7 IOS and Samsung Galaxy S8 Android) The screen stay black and the debug not throw any error in the console when we debug the Android device with google chrome remote debugging. when I quit the WebVR (Button calling window.vrDisplay.exitPresent();) There's error that never was presented. We think that there's some library that can be conflicting, we are using Zepto, MMDParser, ThreeJS, Tween, Stats (fps). Also we are importing Lodash. I quit the libs and still not working. I don't know If I miss any library or configuration but is working for my HTC Vive.

Hopefully you can give me a good way to proceed

Best Regards

Additional Information:
jsantell commented 6 years ago

Hello! When using the HTC Vive, the polyfill will not do much -- it'll mostly be transparent since you're using the real WebVR API, and it only activates when navigator.getVRDisplays() doesn't exist. That being said, it should work on iOS and the Galaxy S8. Do you have a link where we could try it? Also the libraries you mention shouldn't conflict with anything in the polyfill, FWIW

augedsa commented 6 years ago


Thanks for answer, this is the link :

Stay black, I don't get it. in divided mode, cardholder, not showing and not executing requestPresent.

jsantell commented 6 years ago

I can recreate this on Chrome 67 with WebVR disabled. That being said, not sure what the issue is. I'd recommend reducing things in the scene to see what's causing it

augedsa commented 6 years ago

It's happening in chrome and safari. So the issue is not the browser itself, Let me reduce the scene and I let you know. Maybe try to use cardboard-vr-display and see if the issue still there

Threstle commented 5 years ago

This is happening for me with android devices (no problems on iOS). Any news on this ?

jsantell commented 5 years ago

With other scenes rendering OK, if there's an isolated test case of what in the scene is causing this, I can take a look