immersive-web / webxr-samples

Samples to demonstrate use of the WebXR Device API
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How do I render cesium scene to webxr? #162

Closed YHIsMyLove closed 12 months ago

YHIsMyLove commented 1 year ago

I’m trying to make the scene displayed on my oculus quest 2 vr headset using WebXR API. I’ve searched the forum and the internet and the solution I got all seems outdated. I wrote a demo using raw webgl where i call gl.clear and gl.drawArrays in the xrSession.requestAnimationFrame callback function and it works fine. But when I replace them with cesium’s render method, the headset screen only shows the clear color I set with gl.clearColor and nothing else. Currently I only need to make the scene shown on the headset screen. What should I do to achieve this?

Here are part of my code

function initVR() {
var gl = viewer.scene.context._gl;
navigator.xr.requestSession('immersive-vr').then((xrSession) => {
xrSession.requestReferenceSpace("local").then((xrReferenceSpace) => {  
    const xrWebGLLayer = new XRWebGLLayer(xrSession, gl,)
    xrSession.updateRenderState({ baseLayer: xrWebGLLayer })
    function animate() {
        xrSession.requestAnimationFrame((time, xrFrame) => {
             let poses = xrFrame.getViewerPose(xrReferenceSpace);
              // gl.clearColor(1,0,1,1)
               gl.bindFramebuffer(gl.FRAMEBUFFER, xrSession.renderState.baseLayer.framebuffer);
                // **draw call here**
                 for (let xrView of poses.views) {
                        let xrViewport = xrWebGLLayer.getViewport(xrView);
                         gl.viewport(xrViewport.x, xrViewport.y, xrViewport.width, xrViewport.height);
       }).catch((err) => {
       }).catch((err) => {
cabanier commented 12 months ago

This is not the repo for general WebXR questions. Please visit the WebXR Discord server for help from the community