immesys / wave

Wide Area Verified Exchange - version 3
MIT License
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Proof failing to build for multiple permissions #12

Open ddreyer opened 5 years ago

ddreyer commented 5 years ago

Per the terminal session below, it seems that trying to build a proof on more than 2 permissions causes proof building to fail. Seems like this should be a valid action, however.

sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv mke -o src.ent
enter a passphrase for your entity:
wrote entity: src.ent
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv mke -o dst.ent
enter a passphrase for your entity:
wrote entity: dst.ent
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv inspect src.ent
= Entity
      Hash: GyCR5aP98Rd9vTGyhrmsxe8hoCrT9mSbiQmXtreVfAa5RA==
   Created: 2019-01-16 14:43:44 -0800 PST
   Expires: 2019-02-15 14:43:44 -0800 PST
   - Valid: true
   - Expired: false
   - Malformed: false
   - Revoked: false
   - Message:
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ export S=GyCR5aP98Rd9vTGyhrmsxe8hoCrT9mSbiQmXtreVfAa5RA==
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv inspect dst.ent
= Entity
      Hash: GyAHtvUoeWIWjwfZ6Egy3pghQ1vzpUDaH6CdJWW-Ipy_YA==
   Created: 2019-01-16 14:43:50 -0800 PST
   Expires: 2019-02-15 14:43:50 -0800 PST
   - Valid: true
   - Expired: false
   - Malformed: false
   - Revoked: false
   - Message:
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ export D=GyAHtvUoeWIWjwfZ6Egy3pghQ1vzpUDaH6CdJWW-Ipy_YA==
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ echo $D
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv publish *.ent
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv rtgrant --indirections 5 --attester src.ent --subject $D $S:default@$S/default
passphrase for entity secret:
Synchronized 1/2 entities
Synchronized 2/2 entities
Perspective graph sync complete
wrote attestation: att_GyDWr5kSZ272yj9eOHSqbGhbx9MvEjgDIy-Ur8fx38KQBg==.pem
published attestation
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv rtgrant --indirections 5 --attester src.ent --subject $D $S:default2@$S/default
passphrase for entity secret:
Synchronized 3/4 entities
Synchronized 4/4 entities
Perspective graph sync complete
wrote attestation: att_GyCoDjTRfo33skkJDmeMBVld6uW7QXCTsEI2PTAi0wk5pA==.pem
published attestation
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv rtgrant --indirections 5 --attester src.ent --subject $D $S:default3@$S/default
passphrase for entity secret:
Synchronized 4/6 entities
Synchronized 6/6 entities
Perspective graph sync complete
wrote attestation: att_GyCipk-UwcgOfGEGd0wNjoa3kW4xR59MZgvfGlE1U1Nlcg==.pem
published attestation
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv rtprove --subject dst.ent $S:default,default2,default3@$S/default
passphrase for entity secret:
Synchronized 1/2 entities
inserting active attestation
inserting active attestation
Synchronized 1/3 entities
inserting active attestation
Synchronized 5/5 entities
Perspective graph sync complete
error: (911: couldn't find a proof)
sgx@ante:~/wv_test$ wv rtprove --subject dst.ent $S:default,default2@$S/default
passphrase for entity secret:
Synchronized 5/8 entities
Synchronized 8/8 entities
Perspective graph sync complete
wrote proof: proof_2019-01-16T14:48:06-08:00.pem
immesys commented 5 years ago

@moustafa-a has a solution for this, but we've failed to merge and test it for, like, forever. Time to resurrect!

moustafa-a commented 5 years ago

Yes, lets try to test and merge it soon!